My reply was to dccorona regarding specifically emulation without a new peripheral.
My reply was to dccorona regarding specifically emulation without a new peripheral.
For what it's worth I'm okay with this console cycle. Sony and Microsoft have moved to x86, which means we'll see less exclusives, and more ports. Also it should be noted that those systems actually are using relatively new technology as they both adopted the AMD APU. Yes it's less expensive, but that's not a bad…
You get the best flavor out of a nice cut of beef typically not from grilling over open flame but by cooking it on a flat surface. Subjecting meat to fire and smoke can make it taste great of course, but that kind of preparation is used on cheaper cuts of meat for a reason, it adds flavor rather than bringing the…
This one is for any American who's ever looked across the ocean towards Japan wistfully, dreaming of a land filled with colorful snack boxes with unintelligible markings on them. I know the ache — the desperate longing to taste the flavors that for some reason are forbidden to us. Know that in many cases we are not…
Bob, I live my life by one rule. "When someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes."
If you can, you probably should, if it's possible it should happen, and it's almost always better to ask for forgiveness. This includes my cosmological rule, the one that says the universe didn't need a first cause because existence…
Lorewise hangs her head. A sad little kite and key drop to the floor as she sighs.
That problem could have been avoided by contracts. I get that people have to pay rent and put food on the table but this is why you don't agree to a group project if you can't make a reasonable promise to do so. Unexpected things like cancer and car crashes happen, but when you went to Kickstarter with that team of…
I know we've disagreed before but I respect this.
This. Exactly this. People don't understand that afflictions of the mind are very real because the causes are almost always chemical in nature. Mostly this is because your average person is completely uneducated about how the mind works. They view the mind as being something different or separate from the body and…
The more I think about it the more I hope they keep going at it, if only because it will inevitably end in at least a few Judges so pissed off that we may actually get policy change.
Can I skip merrily through that dream when you're not using it?
But I like candy.
I'm okay with that.
I want them to make officially sanctioned tiers. Similar in ideology to Smogon but better, and with ranking.
I wish Pam was real so I could marry her, or you know not marry, whatever she's into.
I would posit this is no more ridiculous than anything Fox News tries to get away with. The difference is Fox News is fucking evil.
Oh sure when North Korean scientists find evidence of unicorns it's all mockery and gifs. But when some Japanese family supposedly finds a mythical sword in their shack out back it's totes real.
Yeah I'll believe that when I see it.
I have no idea how the TCG plays but I can tell you this, it wasn't in any way developed by Blizzard, that was all Cryptozoic. So credit where credit's due.