
I've played a Mage deck that worked just like that, and it immediately became stronger when I dropped a couple of taunt minions in it. It was something like a 48% win rate went to 51%, and that was without any legendary cards and only a couple of rare cards.


I really hope someone films the judge who throws this out. And I really hope that judge mocks them on a level that would make Judge Judy squirm.

To this day one of the best visual representations of the LSD experience I've ever seen was in Fear and Loathing. That creeping floor man.

Eh, I'd argue that plenty of trading card games have a rich meta, that's nothing new. I take no issue with that at all, but I also don't see that fixing the problems with the core game mechanics.

I think you mean the future of trolling... ;)

Sure sure. Just keep in mind I'd like to have other people's thoughts on the matter too so no need to hold back if you disagree. I'm going to use Magic the Gathering as reference point also, so don't hold that against me it's just the best way to go about the topic.

Yeah it's kind of a mess and that balancing is never going to end. It's going to follow the same cycle of buffs and nerfs as PvP in Waracraft. That shouldn't be necessary in a card game but yet here we are...

And like Warcraft Blizzard can't balance this game to save their lives. No amount of open Beta is going to fix their fundamental design problems.

I had one of those! It had crystal blue tiles and was supposedly a collectors item. I still don't know how to play it to be honest.

I agree that he should only introduce his kids to games when they're ready. Completely agree with that. But his stated reason is "they'll make it a chore", paraphrased of course.

Bacon and chocolate go well together. I don't mind the taste of spam but the texture and consistency are a non-start for me.

Agreed. Olives and dark roasts especially. Mmmmmm.

I have a very sensitive nose, but I also enjoy many of the things super tasters keep mentioning. With regards to coffee have you tried specialty dark roasts or just the typical Folgers breakfast crap? The latter should taste awful to anyone with any amount of taste buds.

I keep reading comments about people who don't like the taste of coffee and can't help but wonder how many kinds and roasts they've tried. For example Folgers is the most popular coffee anywhere you go, but it's also horrible.

I think that may be me. I'm constantly smelling things well before others can notice them. I get memory feedback from smells all the time. I spend most of my time avoiding things just so I won't hurl all over the place because the wrong smell can turn my stomach upside down faster than any roller coaster.

I'm definitely not a super taster. I love dark chocolate and dark roast coffee. In fact the combination is sublime. I think that means I'm okay with having a dumb tongue.

I thought they were implying a DeLorean was involved. Egg on my face...

Friends and family have asked my opinion on when to let little Jenny or Johnny start controlling virtual figures on a screen ever since I started writing about video games. There are a lot of variables about what both a parent and kid can handle but the one thing I've always been adamant about is that a kid should be