I was kinda wondering the same. I'm still working through Runner 2 and my supply of back up controllers is getting low...
Thank you!
My gut reaction was no. Then that passed quickly.
I had to spend some time actually digesting this and thinking about it before posting my own thoughts on the matter and ultimately it comes down to this.
Yeah you know what's even more funny? An author on Gizmodo just reported the original story as factual. It's like Brian scooped another Gawker author before they even posted. Sadly it's been deleted.
Yeah they typically aired during blocks of air time marketed towards children and younger teens. Cartoons, after school specials, that kind of stuff. That's how I remember them at least. They could have aired outside of those times so don't take that as gospel.
I'll 86th that.
Yay! A fat joke!
The More You Know, let's me know this is sarcasm.
EditWhoops. I misread your comment at first. I both agree and disagree with you.
Eh no this isn't going to end rage quitting, that's just silly. Besides a device like this is not going to be able to tell the difference between a heart rate that's increased because of anger and a heart rate that's increased because of "oh fuck oh fuck I'm almost dead, I'm almost dead".
"Games should not adapt to you, you should adapt to the game."
I'm not offended but I'm also a brunette with an average sized nose. I'm also rather privileged. So if someone wanted to offend me they'd have to try really fucking hard.
Well the west has also been called out and called itself out for this. Besides I think you missed the logical fallacy inherent in that attitude.
What's the deal with AMA? Why do they call it an AMA? No one ever asks anything.
I agree, mostly. I think there's a balance between eviscerate and constructive criticism. However I don't know if that really applies here, this being freely distributed fan created content and all, but I can certainly support the gist of what you're saying.
I was impressed by the detail and expanse of the world but I'm kinda there with you.