
Lorewise winks, and gently touches the side of her nose.

Well you don't have to...

I thought that was like trying to use the Force or just telekinesis in general. Doesn't everyone try that at least once? You know, just to make sure, for science.

Nice. That works on multiple levels.

I'm sure it's a coincidence but it seems like the states with the worst meth and teen pregnancy problems are also mostly lacking racial diversity, filled with fundamentalists, and ran by conservatives.

Not in my opinion. However I have been working on plans for a liquid submerged system. This may be a fun way to tests the limits of it.

What the hell are you doing to your 'puter?

I've never heard of that. It looks interesting. How well did they pull off the concept?

Damn it, now I have nothing to contribute to this conversation, and time to kill.

That was awesome. Doubly so because there are elements, (like the walkers), that vaguely trigger nostalgia even if I can't recall why.

Oh Eve, you're the only game I'm aware of that's more entertaining to read about than it is to actually play.

Dude Eve is not a challenging game, it's just tedious. Calm down.

I would watch Japanese football. But only because of the tentacles.

The worst thing I ever had to deal with was telling my mom that her new husband was watching bestiality porn, and that's why their computer wasn't working.

Most of the negative feedback on the forums seems to focus mostly on the bugs and the length of the game, some people liked the story but didn't like the combat and sometimes the opposite.

I keep revisiting this site hoping that things have gotten better. There was a time that I respected Jez and the authors, that hasn't been true for some time though.

I love what Kickstarter has done. I love it's potential even more. However some of those games picture above were disappointing to the fans, despite critical acclaim.

...left the blood out of Mortal Kombat... ...seemed to actively avoid getting a Grand Theft Auto... ...expressed little more than vague interest in online gaming... ...gave Zelda cartoon graphics... ...stopped working with the blockbuster-making Rare... ...required Friend Codes... ...released handheld after handheld

Ah okay, that's why I said maybe with regards to the DS, but I definitely do not believe it could run a 3ds simulator. Not well at least.

Envious. Don't be envious.