It's overrated. I like my taint like I like my walls, decorated. It's prime real estate for a tattoo really, and the best I've ever seen was the Eye of Rah. I doubt even Ryan's taint could compete with that.
It's overrated. I like my taint like I like my walls, decorated. It's prime real estate for a tattoo really, and the best I've ever seen was the Eye of Rah. I doubt even Ryan's taint could compete with that.
That's the problem with humor that relies solely on shock and pop culture. For instance, who the fuck is Eli Manning? (Yeah okay I Googled his name but I still don't understand why anyone should know or care who he is or why puppies have anything to do with it.)
Meh they're not very reliable. The entire section on Amanda Palmer for instance is laughable.
I'm not correcting you as much. I am ribbing however because I found it amusing.
"Really though, that's more of a issue with Japanese society as a whole."
And Futurama.
When someone asks you if you're a god, Patricia, you say yes.
First, big fan. I've loved everything equally. No really. As it goes though I feel like Archer is your strongest work. By comparison (to Sea Lab and Frisky Dingo) it's also your most reigned in. Do you feel like the structure and story of Archer has fostered even more creativity?
You know what? I'm going to give this a pass just because it's so fucking absurd.
No no no no no no no.
I don't think a gif even could sufficiently convey the horror on my face right now.
Compared to what we're used to do the recessed controls take much time to adjust to?
How about performance? How responsive is it?
Yes the amount of stupidity in that gif baffles me too.
It sounds like to me that's a stupid thing to give a shit about. The guy was emotionally abusive to a child, which should be a crime even if it isn't.
Yeah that would be pretty reasonable for that set up right now but in six months I'd probably disagree. The extra $200 for the marginal performance increase wouldn't be worth it to me personally.
Well it says "and up" I'm guessing that the machines with the gtx 760 and i5 are going to cost significantly more than $500. The AMD set up will probably start around that, but that Intel / Nvidia set up is going to be way more expensive.
This is mostly for people that already have awesome gaming rigs and want something inexpensive and or small for the living room. It's not powerful enough to run next gen games at max but it's definitely capable of playing things like Bioshock Infinite or Battlefield on medium settings. It will be more than powerful…
I'm going to laugh when our future robot / alien overlords start dressing us up in stupid costumes.
If you're not some kind of super vegan or one of those people that only eats locally grown organic food it's entirely likely that the food you already eat is actually way more risky than this.
Wait okay but is that being done by a localization team that is Japanese or American? I'd more readily believe that those cuts were made at the request of whoever was publishing in the U.S. than I would believe that the original Japanese team is censoring itself.