Tierno. My man Tierno has got to be gay. Love that fella.
Tierno. My man Tierno has got to be gay. Love that fella.
I don't know about that. There are all kinds of bikini laden lass in Pokémon.
"This character has XY chromosomes despite being a woman."
Well that's the ultimate goal, GMR. The problems are
Because we drink too much.
We can't have both?
I don't even care how this turns out I'm going to go donate just because that trailer is so fucking amusing.
I'll be honest and say the Marvel license is the big reason this, and not LEGO City Undercover is among my finalists. Both are open-world LEGO games and both feature exploration, collectibles and side missions galore. But I can't throw cars in LEGO City Undercover the way I can with Hulk or Thing in LEGO Marvel. And…
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha. Suck it up newbz, GTA is the new WoW.
Yes but my pick is Antonio Banderas, it slides off the tongue like velvety ice cream. He's also cuter.
Something tells me Blizzard will step in and take care of him. I may not care for their games any more but as a company they've always seemed incredibly generous and decent to their employees.
Yeah that was probably more obvious in my mind. It looks like that kid is looking down. Not to mention that statement could also be read as: "You've touched me on a level I didn't think possible."
I'm sure he'll be even more popular with the inmates.
I've said this jokingly, and the implications are terrifying but yeah...
Is it possible for me to dislike guns and FPS games in general and still think this is stupid? Because I do and it is.
I feel so much better about all those herbs I farmed in a vain attempt to reach server first.
I'm pretty certain that's illegal. Also, you look younger than you sound.
I'm not sure what to be most horrified by, the demands or the torture.
I'm pretty certain that's his Franklin's-giviging-me-a-blowjob-but you-can't see-it face.