Yeah who judges these? Owen, if it's you I'm sorry but you must now be sacked.
Yeah who judges these? Owen, if it's you I'm sorry but you must now be sacked.
Something tells me this will probably border more on historical fantasy. It sounds like it's going to be something like Tombstone (in it's stylized realism not setting) mixed with Skyrim. There's just only so much realism that can be brought into a game and that game remain entertaining and not tedious.
God damn it I'm still in pain from October. And November. And...
I think this:
Yeah I saw that. Me too, I signed up for the Beta even.
I'm stuck at 11. Seems as though there will be more stars released later as I can't find anything else to click on.
Wait aren't there only 5000? Those things are going for around $500-$800 right now.
This was inevitable, is the why. Personally I'm okay with this because it's a stepping stone to what's coming. Pun intended. But anyway it's porn, porn is inevitable. Specifically in this case immersive, interactive porn is inevitable and this is a part of that.
He's a pocket monster tease.
Oh trust me, I'm never serious.
Fragments of his thoughts on the subject appear in many books. But as I said he never completed his work. Though that collection is interesting it is just that: a collection of his notes.
I had no idea that site even existed until this very moment. And after reading through this thread I'm glad that's the case.
If you've been able to create meaning out of the many things Nietzsche said about the subject that's awesome and more power to you. However he never actually got to completely flesh out his thoughts on the matter, much less publish them, so I'm curious how you interpret the concept of Will To Power.
There's even an article within the article about that.
I don't think that's particularly kind to people that live in trailer parks, you know, punch up not down and all that.
"Wait so they don't eat food at all? Or they eat rusty automobiles and shit fire?"
That made me chuckle but I'm one of those supposed hipsters that's apparently a hipster because I didn't like Garden State.
To be candid I am cynical but it's something I'm not proud of and actively fight against. I know many people revel in their cynicism but I don't, I recognize it's practical usefulness and I'm not demonizing it but it's not always beneficial, sometimes quite the opposite.
Why do you think his sidekick is named Tails?
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