
You forgot to roll for initiative.

Okay but is it used? If not I might actually buy this.

I would have been disappointed if someone hadn't said it.

Exactly! :P

If it's an actual article then I agree it's kind of pointless to start conversations about other topics, but when it's basically two paragraphs and some pictures I don't see the harm. Especially if it's related in some way.

Water is wet.

Fahey thought "The Touch: Power Remix" was Bush's revenge for being left off the soundtrack for the first live-action Michael Bay flick. While I'm not too fond of it, it still beats anything Linkin Park did.

So are sports fans, what's your point?

Larp, it's called larp. Or L.A.R.P. if you prefer.

You and I both know that doesn't mean much.

I'm not going to bother even trying to win this contest now; that's how it turned out.

You can't do both? Fail...

I have a beautiful piece of property in the majestic heart of Chernobyl I'd love to sell you.

I'd be okay with that.

With all of the golfing and hand wringing over keeping investors happy I'm sure they don't.


And with the removal of Windows Live I'll finally be able to pick this up. Been waiting a long time for that.

On hardwood floors? Gross.

I think I'd start actually watching ads.
