I just mean that even beyond the two villains the story they tried to tell would have fit better in two films. Instead of making that call and cutting stuff or pushing it to a second film, he instead just phoned it in by just cramming it all together and calling it a day.
It would have been tolerable at least had the bride seemed the least bit enthusiastic, genuinely enthusiastic.
Coming to a theater near you, soon™.
Yeah I looked up pictures of these actors to see if I could guess who they'ed play. This didn't occur to me but I think you nailed it, she would be perfect (physically at least, I haven't seen her act).
They should totally give that guy a cameo just because it would be funny. They've had him do the song and dance at Blizzcon in the past.
The first couple of Spidey films were actually pretty damn good. Even though Tobey McGuire was a little distracting it still worked. He definitely phoned it in on the third one though, but I think that was more because it was way too ambitious than it was an example of him being a hack.
Sigh. Damn it. Me too.
Because for some weird reason they released that before the games. I called a local Wallyworld to ask them if they had X & Y the night of release and their department head told me they didn't even know about it. Which I found strange for two reasons.
It looks like a bra that can burn itself. This is going to give a whole new meaning to the phrase "red ring of death".
Sony revealed today that do to growing consumer demand they will be manufacturing miniature versions of their systems starting with the original Playstation. A well known activist within the community David was asked how the gnomish community feels about the release:
What does masculinity have to do with it?
If you ask me something like this is priceless.
I want to swat you on the nose with a rolled up news paper.
It wasn't actually washed, that's a cover story. The sweat and blood and tears were stolen by that inglorious traitor Chuck Norris. When the power of his beard began to wain, this was the only way he could retain its powers, because that's where they came from to begin with.
Long story short, we're talking about a man that is worshiped as a god.
Where as many amazing things could be said about Bruce Lee and they would be true, saying he paved the way for action movie stars is inaccurate.
I get you, and agree. I hope it doesn't seem as though I'm saying all JRPGs have stellar dialogue however.
I suppose I could always mortgage. Hmm...