
Also to be super clear here I never put forth that a woman is permitted to be abusive to a man for any reason. You read way more into my comment than makes any sense.

In either scenario it's an abusive relationship, and an abusive relationship is just that. A man beating a woman isn't in itself sexism or sexist even. A man beating a woman because he's feels superior to her because of her sex is.

In a perfect world that would be true. However sexism and racism in not just their Webster definitions, but as phenomenon, require power dynamics to be at play. The problem is academic understanding is beyond the scope of any dictionary, (which are reference tools by the way, dictionaries are not authorities).

Or for that matter just use the money to build a dedicated system for the living room as well, if that's the problem the Shield is meant to be a solution for.

Oh they will, both in terms of dedicated graphics cards and the Kaveri apu.

True, I'm only pointing out that the dialogue itself could in fact be masterful in the original Japanese but poorly translated. I imagine that's small comfort from a user's perspective but it's an important distinction none the less.

Is it safe to believe you mean when it's so bad that it's comical and there for more entertaining than it would have been otherwise?

That would be a problem of translation and not dialogue then wouldn't it?

I think it would just be easier to give it a new title, meaning the article is fine but you're right he never actually gets around to answering the question posed by the title.

We are not only informing future generations of humans that stumble upon that information, but we are also informing future intelligences that we can't even begin to imagine. For example what do you think the first AI is going to do? It's going to find the internet.

On a less depressing but I think related note, what's your go-to-video-game? This is for anyone reading. By go-to I mean that just like go-to movies or music. What's your soul food so to speak?

On the one hand Nintendo is still using Power PC, on the other hand both Microsoft and Sony are finally using x86. So it's possible we'll see more JRPGs on the PC. At least that's my hope.

The phrase isn't meant to be used or taken literally.

Sounds likely. That's an unfortunate coincidence. And also why we should regularly shame homophobes for ruining what could be perfectly fine words.

Hey how did you like Liberation Maiden? I just couldn't get into it because of the controls. On the 3ds xl it's just awkward, maybe it's my tiny hands but I have to set it down in order to play it properly.

Anything that allows me to avoid Reddit is a welcome thing.

Yes but only if they're also an all male group.

Ah the Prophet Hicks, the Dark Poet of Austin, the Truth Sayer, he truly was a god among mortals.

Everything they do is comedic genius.

Dude this video is a perfect example of why the goodness seems to have inhuman breast physics. Watch the woman in the purple shirt, her breasts aren't moving at all like in the article's video. In the video you posted they (the boobies) move naturally from inside to the outside, like they should, and it's more of a