
Ah but that leaves us with the age old question: is an artistic work ever complete? Further time alone could render this incomplete, that is unless we stop imagining new kinds of robots.

Thank you, I couldn't figure out what that was and it was bugging the crap out of me.

Talk about uncanny valleys.

I have seen my death... and it is glorious. Well the funeral will be at least.

"All your chans are belong to us." ~2ch

That's some hot stuff right there.

I should probably stop implying in Kotaku articles that I'd fuck unevolved Pokémon.
#pokébait #rarelyused #lilcup

Didn't everything sound like that in the late 70s?

I smell a situational comedy brewing.

The electronic device you just used to type this message requires petroleum for its manufacture. Further do you know what the working conditions are like in the manufacturing plant that device originated from? And what about the electricity needed to power that device, where does it come from? Do you know which

There was a long period of time that I hated fake wood paneling. I do not like this because it's making me rethink that opinion.

I can attest to the fact that most Conkers I've met are awesome.

"Of course, you're welcome to shop there. It's your choice to hand your money to a company that deliberately hurts your public services and public services around the world, if all you care about is saving a buck. Who's awesome? You're awesome!"

Looks like one of those monks with the bowl haircuts; You know, the kind you see in movies about King Arthur or Robin Hood or something.

You should try moving to a less affluent neighborhood. I mean it's like you're asking to get robbed dude.

If you had the forethought to invite me to your "party" you would know I deliver.

Beat me to it.

The only way for someone living in a wealthy modern society to completely avoid doing harm through their purchases is to completely remove yourself from that society. You can not help from doing harm. You can mitigate the amount of harm, you can even do things to counter that harm, but you can't escape it completely.

It's difficult but absolutely possible to remove yourself from gifting culture. I hate it. I hate every aspect of gift giving and receiving. I especially dislike it when it intersects with religious holidays.

If this looks half as good when not gothfuscated you can count me as impressed.