
some people want smaller screens. There's the choice. Go with smaller (I can see the appeal) and save some money. But you are not compromising performance anymore.

But there is a benefit to 64-bit. The improved instruction set makes it way more efficient. So you can have a longer battery life while gaining performance. Smaller batteries mean lighter devices. There is literally no downside.

Exactly. So keep your iPad 3. Would you be saying the same thing while comparing a 1st get Nexus 7 to the one they have now? Apple products last long, and nobody's telling you to refresh your hardware every year. You can comfortable refresh every 2 or 3.

I'd like to see a section of TVs with absolutely no Smart features. I have multiple options on how to get input to it. I don't want to deal with their crappy interfaces, I just want the pixels.

How about its expensive to add languages to a tool you use for free, and they'll get to it when they can? Is that a good excuse?

I cannot recommend this post enough.

Randall Munroe, of course!

Neither. I don't like reaching. Just keep a roll nearby and just unroll with your hands.

Ok. Have no rewards and no credit history.

Anything can be used as currency. Case in point:

If you like that story, you might like Randall Munroe's. He also quit NASA to do what he loved.

Another thing that almost nobody mentions is that it's not about a particular feature working well. Sure, you could have a "functional" fingerprint reader in a hypothetical generic smartphone, in which the general usability of everything else sucked. So yeah, you can have a great feature but not a great smartphone.

I just find it ironic how many people complained about the "Apple only works with Apple" thing for so long, and now Samsung is doing it too, even on a "open" platform.

Once you mess up in the service of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, you are no longer counted as a human.

There isn't. You want great battery? Get this one. You want a great screen? Get this other one. You want a great camera? Get yet another one. You want screaming performance? Don't get that one, get this other one.

Do you really think other companies don't do exactly that? Nobody wants to play all their cards at once.

I'd like to see Android push updates to all its users this fast.

Ok? SO I fail to see the issue. You went in for support for one device and didn't like that he didn't address the totally irrelevant device?

Why on earth should he look at your Zune? It's an Apple Store. Other than "I can throw it in the trash for you while you shop for an iPod", I don't see why they should acknowledge it at all.

So why should IT policy be followed in this instance? It's the purpose of IT to support the organization in meeting its goals, not the purpose of the organization to follow IT's rules. People in IT who can only think in terms of "were the rules followed? y/n" are exactly the people who shouldn't be in IT, shouldn't be