
I just wanted her to go full Bernie there and say that the average contribution was $18 per person xDDD

In the span from “oh shit I’m preggo” and “I need a car seat so the hospital will let me take the baby home”, it’s possible a person finds a dumpster treasure and uses that car seat. However, if they hadn’t found it, they would’ve still had to procure one from *somewhere* (ponyup up for one, get it from a friend or

That 4K tv is showing at $800 for me

That 4K tv is showing at $800 for me

On pass-phrases and character limits:

Ok, first of all, if you’re worried about preserving democracy, you need to focus just as much effort that you put into defending guns by:
1) Increasing voting turnout, do all that you possibly can so that people vote.
2) Term limits on congress, incumbency is a huge detriment to democracy.
3) End gerrymandering, so that

Coconut oil.

Is it one per customer?

Is it one per customer?

Now playing

Uhm, you should really be using this video instead:

The hand to mouth argument is 100% valid. But if that’s not in the cards, there’s no reason to skip lube if it’s remotely easy to get to. (It’s worth going to another room to get, for example).

Great point, but for anyone reading thinking that it doesn’t help, YOU ARE WRONG. I have done extensive testing one way or another, using intact but well worn equipment, and keeping that area slick always helps.

Buying food or snacks with your MoviePass

I’ve ordered this from Wish for like $30. I haven’t received it yet, I think the gimmick is that Wish items come from the back of the trucks in China. But they have them, and they’re cheap...

I’ve ordered this from Wish for like $30. I haven’t received it yet, I think the gimmick is that Wish items come

There is no need to “incentivize” businesses. There’s demand for what they are selling, or not. If they can’t profit from the existing demand, then another one will.
As per your Flint comment, what the city/state/country needs to do is pay actual money for an actual company to come and redo the pipes. No “we won’t tax

Why? it’s working ok for Fox News.

No, we don’t all need to be flying jets and driving Teslas and going to private schools. But...

How dare you mention My brother, my brother and Me, without mentioning Dear Hank And John, the superior comedy podcast about death where Hank and John answer your questions.

Oh please, I’d be happy to embrace Pence as my lord and savior if he promises he won’t tweet. At some point, the goals of seeing justice and preserving my way of life and tax levels started seeming secondary to just not dying in a nuclear war.

The more money you have, the more you’re benefitting from taxes. Let me explain. If you are rich because a lot of people buy your product, you are benefitting from those people existing (health taxes), people knowing about your product (enough education to know it’s a thing and how to use it), and people being able to

Deal seams expired, would it come back?

Deal seams expired, would it come back?

How long will the code be active for? I need to buy a new mattress, but not until a couple weeks from now.

How long will the code be active for? I need to buy a new mattress, but not until a couple weeks from now.