
Is there one for websites that regularly feature useful sites, apps, tools, or deals, but just strip away all the blabber, and give you the link to the thing?

I just wanted her to go full Bernie there and say that the average contribution was $18 per person xDDD

In the span from “oh shit I’m preggo” and “I need a car seat so the hospital will let me take the baby home”, it’s possible a person finds a dumpster treasure and uses that car seat. However, if they hadn’t found it, they would’ve still had to procure one from *somewhere* (ponyup up for one, get it from a friend or

Yeah and 100% of UFOs are fake.

An answer to the Fermi paradox could be that we are to some advanced species what that man is to us.

That 4K tv is showing at $800 for me

That 4K tv is showing at $800 for me

Yet they could easily do it as “guaranteed hours” instead, and give everyone a week’s worth of pay regardless of how much work there is. I’ll let you guess how much money that would take from Jeff Bezos’s bonus. Then I’ll let you wonder if the social cost of these practices are worth Jeff’s new jet.

Raids I attend to are usually so well attended we have to split up in teams.

On pass-phrases and character limits:

I just think he was overrated, he used auto-tune all the time.


Ok, first of all, if you’re worried about preserving democracy, you need to focus just as much effort that you put into defending guns by:
1) Increasing voting turnout, do all that you possibly can so that people vote.
2) Term limits on congress, incumbency is a huge detriment to democracy.
3) End gerrymandering, so that

Coconut oil.

Is that laptop a Mac? Because otherwise you’re not going to be playing that music.

I’m sure we can tweak the situation a bit for it to be an issue. What if it’s original content on their devices? What if it’s a “hey start listening and see if you recognize it” type deal? What if you want to let someone else DJ your house party?
What if you want to be able to switch between your work android phone and

Then why did they take so long? They had zero need to go balls out with the Hi-End speaker. The “Hey Siri” chip existed way before it was even conceived. They could have very easily slapped a speaker on the bodies of the Airport devices and sold them as such. But noooooo people like to have eargasms more than having

“Oh, yeah, let me just play this song you’re gonna love it!”
“Cool! Put it on the HomePod, it sounds amazing!”
“Sure, where’s the aux port?”
“Ok, I’m in the bluetooth screen, what’s it called?”
“Uhm... Well, it’s AirPlay only and you’ve got an android...”
“Ok, let me just send you the song, here’s the Spotify link”

Is it one per customer?

Is it one per customer?

Now playing

Uhm, you should really be using this video instead:

The hand to mouth argument is 100% valid. But if that’s not in the cards, there’s no reason to skip lube if it’s remotely easy to get to. (It’s worth going to another room to get, for example).