
You are wrong, I'll correct you :P

Don't let your imagination get too carried away, though. The physicists aren't planning to build futuristic weapons with the new form of matter.

They were charging half the price of what they usually charge for full seasons. Honestly I don't think how people could be confused. But oh well, I'll take my credit :P

I bought it today at 8PM. I was the first one in my T-Mobile store. They only had a few iPhone 5S's, and they were all black. Sorry "Space Grey"

Getting clicks and pageviews.

You can now AirPlay Amazon Video from iOS devices.

Never fear the future. For the present that you are now holding onto was the future you once feared.

Well I said it pushes customers to use more baked in solutions such as Airplay and home sharing, which provide better experiences than plugging stuff in. If people really want to, well, there's an adapter for that.

I've had really good experience with the adapters. They work well when you need them to, and when you don't, you just put them away. I rather buy just the adapter I need rather than having a bunch of just in case ports that make the phone ugly.

Do it through iTunes on a computer, or free up some space.

Apple does make adapters that will let you output HDMI video and audio. It's not a limitation, it's just an addon for people who actually care about things like that.

Background App Refreshes are opportunistic updates. It means they only update when the conditions are right. Such as good wi-fi, good battery life, near home, when it thinks you're about to use them, etc.

Well, why not? I had a Nexus S back then. The feature sucked. I hoped it would be really fun to use, and really convenient as I'd just wake the phone and it'd log me in. But it almost never worked. Touch ID seems to have much greater chance of working the way it's supposed to.

So far, loving it. Except for the folders. I don't like how it now shows less icons, even if it's paginated. I'd have loved it if they kept the same number of icons, AND paginated it.

There's some background process that's taking a while.

When Android came out with the Face Unlock feature, were you feeling like that?

Touch ID is the first reliable, non-intrusive, secure, and easy to use unlocking method. It's a big deal for people who like both security and convenience.

Having worked for the NSA, I'm surprised you can say anything about anything.

It's not THAT good of a job.

Thank you, that was exactly the type of response I needed :-)