
Well, Apple puts out CDMA phones as well, but they get updates on day 1.

Heh. I figured as much. Luckily the loans weren't that big. What I was wondering is if I was missing out on any benefits to my credit score. I'll probably still move on with my current plan though. Save up to the exact amount, and plop down the full payment. Achievement Unlocked.

It happens, but not very often. While I have actually been successful, it was mostly luck. And if all you do is ask people for sex, it degrades the quality of the site overall, and there are less girls on it. So be cautious and respectful. If all you want is sex, state it clearly early on, and don't be a dick about it

I know this is a rare case, but...

No, I'm talking from experience. I don't quite remember which one it was, I think 4.0, that I had to wait quite a while for me to get on my Nexus S (Sprint)

There is a delay. Especially on Sprint and Verizon. It took months for me to get 4.0 on my Nexus S (sprint)

But the network is the same for both of them! The devices are handling the same network differently.

Still not addressing the fact that my iOS devices worked much better than the Android ones.

Well, my comparison was with a Nexus S, an iPhone 5, and an iPad 3. iOS won every time. The wireless network was the one at work, a huge place with hotspots every 100 ft or so.

Yeah, but you can expect Apple to grant the new iOS much more reliably than you can expect even a Nexus device to get an update.

And updates! with an iPhone, you can expect software updates on DAY ONE for many years after release. With android, you even have to wonder on Nexus devices.

But how often DO things go wrong? For the most part, people can use their iPhones without a care at all of how it works. It just does. Multitasking is handled very well, so that background apps don't mess you up. Settings are very clear in what they do, and once you set them up there's nothing really much more to do

There is another point of innovating. People like to say that Apple isn't really innovating lately, in view of crazy features that Android has been getting. I'd like to expose my opinion on why that is not true.

iOS is better for consistency's sake. I know a lot of people think "Hey! I'm a smart tech guy! I can handle Android!" but in reality, it just takes too much work. I'm a computer engineer myself, and while I had a Nexus (which should be best in class), it was still too annoying to deal with apps and interfaces that

I'm guessing it'll probably be the cheap(er) apps that mostly do this. If an app is that expensive already, they'll probably just update. Users will be more enraged about rebuying those apps than the $1-$3 ones that are in the "Meh, might as well" territory.

Then it's the job of management to make sure their employees are properly motivated. The role of the customer is to engage the company, get whatever good or service they provide, and pay. If they really liked the service/good, then they can fill out a comment card. Management can and should reward the people the

Also a good deal: A billion iPhone 5's on Craigslist.

My issue is that using tipping as a performance evaluation is stupid. It places that burden on customers who don't know better. This is the reason why managers exist. As an engineer, I don't get a tip from my customer if I performed my job well. I get a bonus from my boss.

Siri is incredibly useful. I use her all the time. If you are not, then you're just holding it wrong.

then don't buy a smartphone? If you don't need/want them, then you're not the target market. Go buy a feature phone.