
Well, it'd be fit for him, right? faster killing your favorite characters, he'll kill your favorite author, before he can tell you if their deaths we're not in vain.

aren't all particles nano particles?

Nothing is real. Not even the video. Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.

I think the better question is what motivates the developer. A paid app is pretty straightforward. They just get your money. Free is another story. A developer has to find SOME WAY to get value off of you. Do note I said value, as they could just be doing it for fun, and your value is word of mouth or bug reporting.

Yep, precisely my thinking. So, to summarize, kids. Use as debit, unless it's truly time sensitive.

Vote: Google Hangouts

I just got my first card, and a simple rule I follow is to pretend it's my debit card. That is, only use it for things I would have used my debit card for, like regular groceries, regular shopping. Nothing out of the ordinary. The only difference would be that instead of using my cash to pay for them, I let it build

Then it may very well be worth it for some people :P

As they should. No parent in their right minds would think their kid actually needs a $650 iPhone 5. And a company shouldn't fear to cannibalize itself, because if they don't, others will. (pulled straight from Steve Jobs' biography).

Ah. I guess I could have checked that beforehand. Though, is that the listing price when it just came out? I was under the impression most phones just came out at $200, so I just assumed you'd buy whatever came out that month.

Ok, I made a spreadsheet! Help me fix it if I made a mistake. I made a comparison between what you'd have to pay via Selling and Upgrading your phone, and using the Jump! plan. I also ran it for both a once a year upgrade for iPhones and once every 6 months for Android. I assume that each time you would sell your

Ok, I made a spreadsheet! Help me fix it if I made a mistake. I made a comparison between what you'd have to pay via Selling and Upgrading your phone, and using the Jump! plan. I also ran it for both a once a year upgrade for iPhones and once every 6 months for Android. I assume that each time you would sell your

It seems to benefit mostly the Android market which has new phones every week or so. How does the math work for an iPhone which refreshes every year? How does it compare to selling your last year model iPhone on Craigslist/eBay and using that to buy the current gen iPhone?

Well, that's like, your opinion, man.

Jesus. You think they could keep the data stored somewhere. It's not that expensive to store terabytes of data nowadays, specially for Google. Sure, they can stop developing the site, stop supporting the APIs... but surely they could have just created that zip file for every Reader user and put it in their Google

Guys, chill. He doesn't mean a photographer as a professional picture taker, but as a person who can effectively take pictures (and thereby documenting some event, or occurrence of an object or entity) and publish them on the internet.

I'm a programmer too. I thought it was a pretty good example, actually. It accentuates the differences between compressed and uncompressed, it a way that makes more impact to a regular person, because they might not care about a slight different shading of a pixel, but they can empathize with a typo.

And I'll add that he's reading the resulting jpeg as a text file.

Missing the point. The point is to be aware of the degradation of reusing the same jpeg file and reapplying the compression. Most graphical designersknow this, of course, but not the general population. While you may think most people don't need to know that, the author suggests that we extrapolate a little to show