

Then bacon shouldn't be as delicious as it is.

Exactly. Not buying from China is nearly impossible because that's just how the economy works, can't really get around it without a lot of extra effort. Same with Vegans. Humans evolved to eat all kind of things, it's part of the whole survival thing. Sure, you can go out of the way to avoid eating a particular set of

Apple does like to shove everyone into their idea of the future, and if they're not ready, well, they have to adapt. I actually like this approach.

Fragmentation is not only about the features. While an older device might not get the latest features, by having the latest version of the OS it gets access to APIs and OS level improvements that it wouldn't otherwise get. Developers are incredibly thankful for that, as it makes developing for the platform easier.

BUT IS IT PROPERLY CENTERED? that's the question.

I always had issues with that. If you're a Vegan you probably shouldn't be using any product made in China either, as the workers are being treated just a bit better than cattle. But I guess for Vegans mistreating humans is ok?

Exactly. Even Tony Stark uses a titanium-gold alloy for his suits.

[citation needed] I find that plausible, yet unlikely.

Where do you get your $2 latte's?

I think there are a lot of long replies that unnecessarily complicate the answer. The way I look at is is as such:

I have an application at work that actually turns NumLock Off for some reason. I'm loving this script.

Also, it needs to be mentioned that you need to be EXTREMELY qualified to be a commander in space.

It gets more messy once you try to explain why the sky isn't violet.

Yep, such is the beauty of salted hashes.

True. But the odds of doing so are so extremely low that you'd have better luck winning every lottery in the world, multiple times, as well as being simultaneously hit by lightening every time, while playing Pokemon and finding a shiny Pokemon every one of those times as well. I'd welcome anyone to actually compute

That sounds cool. Who do I have to kill to get it?

Well, these are some example proof of concepts. I want it to use some crazy minority report type computing. It should be really fun to use. Also, I think that the gestures they picked for some of these was kind of silly, but I see those as being easy to reconfigure.

Thanks. Maybe you should post a mirror link? I'm behind a wall at work as well..