
This seems like a good article! *Clicks Save For Later*

This. His family must be an odd exception. I never had a non pink or less steak in Argentina.

Now playing

In all seriousness, I do believe Randy Paush's Last Lecture is required viewing. It's a lecture I still think about before I take any big life decisions.

Rick Roll EVERYONE without them being able to turn it off? Please!

Hey! Stop! Don't give Samsung ideas!

Agree. First time I watched House of Cards (Have seen it multiple times as I relentlessly show it to more people), the way the text messages were displayed was one of my favorite things. I was like "huh, that's nifty".

Yeah, I mean, I hate it when my devices are a millimeter thicker. I mean, what's the point of having beautiful resolution and clarity when it's so hard to hold?

This article made me acutely aware that I was wearing headphones, while during most of the day I forget I have them on (except for the fact that music is playing, of course)

Man, thanks for the clarification. My hands were on the way to the keyboard to say that maybe you're not shitting right...

I'm getting used to Feedly. I'm actually liking it quite a bit. It has all the features Google Reader had, and some more on top.

I think the same. God forbid I see ads about things that I care about! Google knows that it's worthless to advertise me Golf supplies, as it'd just annoy me to see them. But Ads for new tech stuff? Hey, I might just find about something I want to buy. Though nobody is forcing me to do so.

I am always open to being proved wrong by Science :D

What? over 90% of the people reading the Tech Site read news Online? Shocking.

It says the video is not currently available.

True, but how much does religion affect sex education and access to birth control? Go to a catholic school and see if you learn anything more than Just say No to sex.

Just give it to me.

If their friends were smarter, but not *that* much smarter, they'd always invite him over so he can fix the HDs.

I was wondering when you'd start posting XKCD again. Were the past few ones too nerdy for you? #trollbait #amITooHonest?

Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Bisquit. Plus Tater tots. Works a charm.

Heh. I knew about this. Was I supposed to tell you? I had called Xbox tech support to be able to switch accounts on my xbox (it was logged into a random netflix account of someone we didn't even know) and they walked me through it. When they were telling me the commands I said: "Let me guess, B, A? right?" and they