
What kind of special focus and resources does Google Reader take??? Just keep it running exactly as is forever, and I'll be happy forever. Don't need new features, just keep it the same.

How many Google+ users know they are Google+ users?

Same question here! I have apps on so many devices depending on it.


I love how using a $1500 google glass will deter muggings more than a $500 phone.

I agree. We have the technology. And while Apple doesn't like to get too crazy with the phone anymore, they don't mind experimenting in their lesser products. I think it's far doable.

FaceTiming on it will feel crazy futuristic.

Well, depends on your warranty. I know that even on apple products, if the battery capacity goes below half withing the first year (maybe 2?), they'll replace it. Not sure how apple care improves on this.

I feel like there's too much focus towards preserving the life of batteries that to be honest are cheap and easy to replace. While I feel the important aspect is to just make sure you will have enough battery for the next segment of time you won't have a charger.

If you don't care about your acquaintances, then what are you doing on Facebook? Go out with the friends you do like, like AFK. It's a much more rewarding experience.

I used to pirate pretty much everything, but ease of use is much more important to me. Once my shows became easily accessible on Hulu and Netflix, I gladly throw my money at them. Or if I have to buy them from amazon Instant Video, it's pretty affordable and easy to do. Unless your show is really expensive and hard to

12 pr 15 wouldn't be infinitely better. It would be 2 and 2.5 times better. Infinitely better would be infinitely available downloads. #math

You mean the Sasha Grey of all Wall Warts? Zing!

I am speechless. I am literally without speech.

Ok, point taken. Though, would you expect every user to have to change their own seats? I'm guessing only a small portion will. The rest will just hate your car.

Fantastic. It's really nice to be able to use it one handed, be able to fit it in any pocket I have, and not look retarded with a phone bigger than those bricks from 1995.

Just a side note on your point 2. Specs matter, but as a way to achieve better user experience. If you have great specs, but a poor user experience, then they don't really matter. If you want to continue with the car analogy, it'd be like a super car with an amazing engine, but an uncomfortable seat. Sure, it has

Hey, everyone, I think this guy is being sarcastic! I know because I have some experience in the subject. I've been on the internet for a while.

+2. Ha! Take that.

True story. It always amazes me how some people are so adamant about avoiding overcharging their phone or starting a charge before the "cycle" ends that they end up not having battery when they need it the most.