
I'll go ahead and flip that around. If they can't find a way to open a docx file, they probably aren't that interested in you and you probably don't want to work for them anyways.

A good rule I've found for lithium ion batteries is: are you going to keep it for longer than two years? If not, worry more about always having a good charge when you need it, rather than the overall life of the battery.

Actually, it'd probably still ask you a billion times if you are ABSOLUTELY *SURE* you want to download the file, and again if you want to run it.

Yep, best way to keep your stuff private. There, nobody can read your information. Not even your friends. Because, well, they'd have to be using it too.

This seems like a horrible, horrible idea that only Samsung could think of.

$1500 facebook machine.

They do make these aerodynamic umbrellas. I read about them in THIS SITE. http://gizmodo.com/234340/senz-aerodynamic-umbrella-breaks-wind-without-the-smell

Every single feature breaks my current workflow. I don not think of any of them as an improvement. I habitually have a zillion windows open, and the Windows 7 Taskbar actually works wonders for it as is.

If you implement touch in the back of the screen, this could be really useful, as you'd be able to see your fingers but they wouldn't obstruct the view. Other than than, idk.

Progress bars are task based, not time based. Duh.

Maybe that's an acceptable risk to you when you are in that situation. But when you have someone's life, and your companies reputation on the line, would you take anything other than the safest route?

Working late doesn't mean you are trying to mean deadlines... Necessarily. You could be working on going the extra mile and delivering more than you were asked to, because you like your work and want to achieve great things. Not everyone likes to just do the bare minimum.

For those of us who do actually do something they love for a living, this was a refreshing article. If you ate unhappy with your work, I'm sorry buddy, but then the article just doesn't apply to you, and that that.

Each update brings more security, features, and bug fixes. Not upgrading not only stupid, but dangerous.

Another tip: put your Dropbox folder inside of your google drive folder. Instant double backup!

Clicked the link to make sure someone posted this. Otherwise I would have. Thank you.

Well, it was October 19th in our hearts.

Yep, it's on Hulu.

You know, during last week's episode of Community, Abed said something that really struck me, and I'm paraphrasing here: "Don't be afraid of the future. After all, the present you're clinging to was once the future"

Proof one: