
There is nothing theoretical about prime numbers being infinite. It can be proven that they are infitinite, and it's not that hard to do so.

That quote is mentioned in the original article.

Or really attached to it...

I don't care about what dirty language they use. Freedom of speech and all. However, this is just bad coding. Function, file, class names should be descriptive of their purpose. Calling them anything else just confuses everyone.

Nobody believes you lasted that long.

Which they do address in the full source article. Spoiler alert: they watched it every minute they could, and prayed for forgiveness right afterwards.

I really hope those stereo speakers are true.

Just an issue with "First, for showing work, there is no reason for your images to be larger in pixel dimensions than the screen. Having them larger just forces the device to interpolate down to the native size and affects performance and introduces artifacts. Jpgs that are 2048x1536 are not very big at all."

Take it as a physics problem. Assume that you have an engine that can work in those atmospheres. Done!

There'd be no difference. Trust me, I'm an engineer.

And as I explained before, Randall doesn't get revenue from page views. There are no ads in the website. As long as the comics keep spreading, and becoming popular on their own, he can keep selling merchandise. If the lack of alt-text bothers you, just visit XKCD first, then come here. He puts a new comic every

Why not? They've done it with the iPhone.

True, but you still don't need THAT much storage. Load up a couple movies and a few songs. And hey, books are relatively small in size and provide much more entertainment time than a movie.

What I'd really like is stereo speakers.

And if it's that easy, why aren't more companies doing exactly that? Ideas are cheap. It's execution that matters, and boy did he know how to execute ideas.

Obvious jokes poorly executed.

Oh, hi Dobby.


I'm just gonna take a page from Giz's book and just copy an XKCD comic in.

I followed this story from my RSS feed for the only reason of making sure someone said it. Thank you.