
I'm sure that's what they were all thinking in the boat. I'd be thinking that too. "Hm, according to these studies, it's not likely it will attack me because it was recently in the surface. Well, that's reassuring".

Guys, to all of you complaining about Giz just reposting XKCD... there are people out there who don't know XKCD. As there are people who don't regularly visit Giz. It just helps discovering the comic, which is a great thing. I'll even post another XKCD to prove it.

@Dexomega and @Rick_Goodman,

Guys, he means that, why the fuck do you need to know it's happening? Windows makes too big of a deal of installing stuff. You should just plug it in, and yes, the OS should install the drivers, as you need drivers for most hardware, but it shouldn't bother you about it.

It's geek news. Now shut up.

[Level-Headed comment on how stupid the argument is, as they're just phones, but secretly just troll-baiting too]

Well, but there arenĀ“t any ads in XKCD. So what are pageviews to Randall? He makes his money through selling merchandise, which sells better if the comics are more popular. Therefore, reposting them and linking them to the source actually helps him.

Plus it's probably just a mistranslation from Portuguese.

I didn't say kids knew how to use them, I said they'd be easier to use than a Raspberry Pi. I played around with both, and there is SO MUCH MORE MATERIAL to learn how to do things with the Arduino.

And Arduino might be better for a kid, IMO.

*clap* *clap*

Contracts. They could find advertisers that would agree to those terms. They'd find some, just not many.

Yeah, I'd maybe agree there. Because picking up one penny isn't actually cutting down my productivity time in a perceivable way. But spending half an hour to pick up 200 would.

Imagine what you could've bought if you spent all that time working.

The whole "not worth your time" is only true if you were to /actually/ generate money during that time lost. The 3 seconds it takes you to pick up money off the ground during your free time is entirely well spent, even if it's just a penny, at least you got to burn a few calories too in the process.

Science! Good to know this stuff.

Oh. Uhm, I was joking... I wasn't expecting a serious answer.

Are you sure you're testing on the iPhone 5? You will get the old screen size if you are testing on a 4 or 4s. Haven't checked on the 3GS.

A planet big enough to support both the sun and this in its surface? Would probably collapse on its own way before you can put them even close.