
If they’re autonomous electric cars that communicate with each other then there won’t be much of an issue since you don’t have to worry about the inchworm effect of people waiting for the car ahead of them to start moving. The whole thing can move as a unit. Program your exit number and let the car worry about merging

I don’t think they geared the car differently for this. You can hear the driver is short shifting, and since you can’t hear the turbos spooling my guess is he was only at 1/4-1/2 throttle at first. They probably wanted him to take it easy at first and let the tires warm up. No need to add extra stress into the tires

That’s essentially what the explaination used to be. Which allowed for other colors to occasionally pop up. Most were green or blue. There were rarely other colors like Windu’s purple. It was just a rare crystal that happened to be purple. And the red ones were red because the synthetic crystals tended to be red.


Valkyrie is not a new character. She’s been around since the 70's (albeit with a light complexion) in the Defenders. Her costume in the group shot (white with blue cape) is a (awesome) call back to one she wore briefly in that title.

Tbh I can easily see a human eating it in the same way, particularly if they were carrying a box that blocked their view of their feet while leaving the stage.

I had a regular cab break my arm in DC because he decided after I was in the car he didn’t want to drive me to my location. I also had a regular cab pick up 4 relatives while I was in the car in SF. It was an eco-cab. There was not enough room 6 grown people.

Wait, why do you think this won’t happen in a classic taxi?

Uhm, i don’t know how’s that any better, the exact same thing happened to me in a taxi, the guy was a high as a kite, i mean, companies can’t control everything it’s just that there are stupid people everywhere.

If you break it down, it is really interesting because warrior women are normalized to him. So normal that he doesn’t even question the idea that women can be epic in battle. What is special (to him, in that moment) is that she is wearing amazing ornate gear, a magic sword covered in jewels, and has what to him are

I’m an engineer (not a civil engineer) and not an architect, but I really don’t understand how this demolition could have ended any other way. Those houses were so close together (and who knows how they were connected), I just don’t see how one act (demo of the first) could have avoided affecting the other.

How is her identity threatening yours? I mean, there are many reasons, from abuse to mental illnesses and brain biology to “natural” reasons, we don’t fully understand yet that can lead to transgenderism and even homosexuality.

“Nausea inducing?” Kinda innocuous, compared to, say, the Wiener pics. The ethics violations should be given more weight than the silly love messages.

I’m not so much a hardass that I can’t clearly see this man was making a joke, but if he really felt “on the spot” about a question that he’s literally not supposed to answer, he could have maybe suggested a movie he had absolutely no hands in, you know? Then there would have been no question that he was making a

If only there was a way to film those turkeys so they’d all fit in the shot at the same time instead of panning back and forth... Shame.

Yep. This is the equivalent of laughing about a kid that dropped its books and glasses, instead of approaching and try to help.

“people that pushed the limit of ‘carry on’” ....But this only started happening when they started charging extra for each piece of checked luggage.

no you will just pay more than you do now for the 2 overhead bin spots you would have had before this.

Right... Maybe next you can ride in the cargo bin for even less. Yah!! More options!!

Actually, it does. "Adding air" increases the surface area of the food, which certainly does change the taste. :)