
People use the word “hack” and “hacker” to mean anything these days. These were trolls. Pretty extreme trolls, but trolls nonetheless. They’ve been around since IRC and AOL chat rooms, and the unwanted posting of pictures of torture, mutilation, and even child porn to shock people used to be prevalent in the 90s. Most

Unfortunately, that’s not helpful for those of us that purchased the software via retail outlets like Costco. I don’t think we would qualify because we weren’t getting the free online version, then paying for an upgrade, but the *only* reason I buy the retail version is because the “free” version isn’t really free. I

Kids K-3 are not given sex education today, so that’s not a problem this bill is aiming to solve. It is what people tell you so that it will sound reasonable

Right. Sounds like someone who works for a media company, or graphic design, or a trendy app developer.

In all of the offices I work in (and there are many - I am a consultant), the experienced engineers, managers, and subject matter experts, many of whom are of retirement age, are still setting the pace, and mentoring

Right. The linked article explains how to reset an Ethernet adapter in Windows. That’s something someone does on their home or office computer, on their own network, and has nothing to do with the cloud service Fastly is providing. Unless the client had access to the OS configuration of a Fastly hosted server, and did

“valid configuration change” and “under specific circumstances” doesn’t really tell us anything.

Right. And given that the DC movies (specifically Wonder Woman) is based on Greek gods, the MCU may decide not to showcase the Olympians in order to keep itself distinct. Not everything in the comics makes its way into the MCU. They may decide the the Eternals fill the role of both Eternals and Olympians in the MCU.

I just finished it and I believe it is 10,000x better than the original. The story actually makes sense now.

With that said, the Snyder Cut is still one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It is abysmal in so many ways, but most of all, a really bad story, while more coherent now, is still really bad.

I am pretty sure most of the 8 million users were not designing or buying racist merchandise. The company sucks and deserves to be punished, but this isn’t going to do it. I designed and bought a t-shirt a few years ago from them and I was quite happy with the results. I only recently read that they were allowing

On the issue of Malware only coming from sites one should not be on, the author has clearly never tried to install mods for Minecraft java edition. Those mods are always placed on shady sites that have really large download links for Malware, and very tiny links to download the actual mod. Why is this? I have no

I loved the idea of Halloween being an anthology of different Halloween-themed horror movies because sequels, especially slasher sequels, go downhill fast. This would have given an opportunity for John Carpenter to tell original stories and test new ideas.

But alas, Hollywood producers love their formulas, and will

Except they did make a big deal about his time as a Borg and how that changed him. A little in the series, but a lot more in the movies and now in the new Picard series. It wasn’t just that he experienced PTSD from the Borg (which he did), but they make references to the fact that, for a time, he was part of the

This further confirms something I was already thinking after watching the documentary. The grandiose artistic films at that time felt like someone taking the cover art of a sci-fi novel and stretched it into an entire film. Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange is a good example - at least in the beginning with the milk bars.

I always thought tapes sounded fantastic - when they were brand new.

Thank you for pointing this out. I came here to say the same thing. It was the first thing that jumped out at me, and I can’t unsee it. I’m sure it makes great waffles, but I will never know, because my brain can’t get past this picture.

It depends on the reason for the ventilator. In the case of viral disease that has saturated the lungs, the recovery rate is pretty high, because the ventilator continues to deliver oxygen after the point where the patients lungs would have given out, keeping them alive long enough for their body to eventually fight

Rolex knock-offs are so sophisticated that there is a separate collectors market for the knock-offs themselves. Some of them are very valuable because of how well they mimic an original Rolex. I guess if you try hard enough to build something like the original, you end up with something that is pretty high-quality in

I know I am stating the obvious, but someone needs to point out that the age and maturity curve for Yoda’s species is different than that of a human. Human children go through regular growth spurts, the largest being during puberty. Yoda’s species may not get their first major growth spurt until after 50 years, but

Absolutely. It is actually a version of Bolognese, but with some chili flavoring. This is why it goes well on noodles. 

If the FBI needs the resources of the local PD, they ask for help. Otherwise, their interaction is often little more than “we are investigating a thing with this person, so please stay out of the way.”