
Ok, then what about this Paul?

I honestly thought that one scene of them looking at Chewie in horror as he’s about to eat one of their own as the funniest part of the movie if only for the fact that he feels really guilty about it.

If they’re autonomous electric cars that communicate with each other then there won’t be much of an issue since you don’t have to worry about the inchworm effect of people waiting for the car ahead of them to start moving. The whole thing can move as a unit. Program your exit number and let the car worry about merging

I don’t think they geared the car differently for this. You can hear the driver is short shifting, and since you can’t hear the turbos spooling my guess is he was only at 1/4-1/2 throttle at first. They probably wanted him to take it easy at first and let the tires warm up. No need to add extra stress into the tires

We burn children to death in the West? We send gay kids to ex-gay camps because Christians are fucked in the head but they burn them alive too? Or when an evangelical 17 year old announces to her family she’s an atheist, her family takes her out back and sets her on fire? I had no idea! Thanks for the info!

A culture in which a mother burns her own daughter alive should’t be criticized? Fuck off with that moral relativism bullshit...

"To be honest, It's still hard to grasp the utter destruction of something thought to be indomitable without wondering if there were outside forces in play."

I don't think 5 misogynistic tweets out of 2.5 million followers really justifies making broad generalizations about his fans. I have no doubt that a subset of his male fans of any age are misogynists, but I think tarring all his young male fans with the label is reductive and insulting.

You can't take every crude joke that targets a female character and call it misogynous. When film makers specifically avoid targeting female characters for jokes, that false sense of needing to protect women is just as much a part of the patriarchy as anything else. If you don't think it was funny, fine, but don't


@madisomi loves lasercats: You don't need to know every secret of the universe to "rule out astrology." There is plenty of practical evidence out there that it is garbage. Mostly because, you know, it's fucking MADE UP. Are you going to call out scientists or as "pseudo intellectuals" if they strongly believe that