
Actual shrink here. Your entire comment (but especially this paragraph below) is you doing a lot of projection.

I would also assume the user made some sort of very basic and standard change regarding their network IP

Something tells me you’re not difficult to lose

We can lift our feet because Chuck Norris could do it and gravity learned its place.

Accessed without permission through associates profiles, thus stolen. Information was taken without permission from what was supposed to be secure and handed to people who should not have it, thus stolen.

Most of those pictures are rural, which is the opposite of urban. And seeing the same layouts repeated over and over again in different places is a pattern, which is the opposite of chaos.

Much of this is pretty rural.

Farmland isn’t urban sprawl...

Speaking as an actual Hindu, I thought the inclusion of Hanuman was rad. I also thought I was cool that the Jabari were vegetarians, since Hanuman is vegetarian.

I’m Hindu, and it felt really good hearing that name in the movie (in a MCU movie of all places)

now that we’ve seen Panther, we know it’s not in there.

not only opposed his actions, but was shocked to find out and it was a painful experience letting him go. that seems quite crucial to his story.

I’d be in agreement with you a lot of the time—certainly you could say that the main Harry Potter series would be fine without the romances. But in this case one of the central story conflicts is that Dumbledore loves Grindelwald, the man, while opposing his actions. I don’t really think you can “take the romance out”

Ok, then what about this Paul?

He projected his image halfway across the universe. This wasn’t like the thing between Rey and Kylo, where only the other one could see them — he literally made his image appear to everyone there and even though in some ghost dice, too. That took a lot of energy, so much that he was completely drained and died. But he

I honestly thought that one scene of them looking at Chewie in horror as he’s about to eat one of their own as the funniest part of the movie if only for the fact that he feels really guilty about it.

“Composed almost entirely of retirees living out of motorhomes performing seasonal labor, CamperForce workers are expected to perform physically demanding tasks despite their advanced age.”

That’s your take? A guy voluntarily sticks his head in a microwave, fills it with an expanding, hardening substance, and then films it with the intention of profiting from it... and you come away from all of that saying that the FIRE DEPARTMENT should be ashamed of themselves for calling out his idiocy?

I want FF and X-People in the MCU. I don’t understand why people are saying it’s too hard to work the X-Men in. It’s built into the franchise: they are the NEXT STAGE in human evolution. So you start them up as if they’ve never existed. People fear and hate them and not the other heroes because the other heroes are

I think maybe the legal issue goes further than that. “Copyright” law means literally that, the law covering who has the right to make copies. If you resell a physical copy, you aren’t making a copy, so that is fine. Transferring a digital copy violates copyright if you keep a digital copy for yourself.