
Funny you ask, but this article shows a python busting his gut after eating a gator.

The problem is that the anti-vaccination community moved far beyond Andrew Wakefield a long time ago. If you go to site like vactruth and many others, they link to tons of other crap studies and pseudoscientific information, and have many other medical experts on their side (even if those experts are in the minority

Oh, dear. Do you really not understand that just because your child is healthy now (and hopefully remains so) it doesn't mean that you aren't endangering his health seriously?

That statement is so stupidly wrong that I don't even know where to begin.

Just FYI, "businesses" that do that kind of thing are counting on one of two things:

"To be honest, It's still hard to grasp the utter destruction of something thought to be indomitable without wondering if there were outside forces in play."

Perhaps Im a bit confused at the issue at hand here but wouldnt having a Chip & Pin system eliminate the issue because the # is worthless without the card?

I have two kids myself and agree entirely. When I was in gradeschool I knew this one kid whose parents had really gone overboard inculcating him with the whole 'stranger danger' thing (and this was before internet was mainstream), so whenever we were playing outside and somebody would be walking their dog or whatever,

Statistically speaking, we should probably be more worried about the damage done to our kids by teaching them to worry about bad people on the internet than we should be about the actual bad people...

Now playing

this was already done 2 years ago at Burning Man

I don't think 5 misogynistic tweets out of 2.5 million followers really justifies making broad generalizations about his fans. I have no doubt that a subset of his male fans of any age are misogynists, but I think tarring all his young male fans with the label is reductive and insulting.

You can't take every crude joke that targets a female character and call it misogynous. When film makers specifically avoid targeting female characters for jokes, that false sense of needing to protect women is just as much a part of the patriarchy as anything else. If you don't think it was funny, fine, but don't

Well at least now you can bitch www, before the 'social media' were out that bitching had to be done extremely locally.

Those are great tips, although, many of the point and shoots I've seen have the same aperture priority, shutter priority and full manual settings that DSLRs have. Its just a smaller lens and smaller sensor, so you really don't have the option of letting in a lot of light, not matter what you do.

Nah, I just use my D ring on my M4

You know the answer to this. It's to boost readership and visibility of the journal. The more sensational the conclusion, the more mainstream journalists are going to publicize it. And mainstream journalists aren't going to care about reading the actual study, just the conclusion.

Dad here, and yes, yes it is.

Why make CG look more realistic when you could make real life more CG with this camera! Genius.

It's odd to see Google genuinely wanting something stupid. Almost everyone I know now searches through their default search engine, buy typing the query in the address bar. Dotless site names would ruin this functionality, I can't see why Google would want that.

@madisomi loves lasercats: You don't need to know every secret of the universe to "rule out astrology." There is plenty of practical evidence out there that it is garbage. Mostly because, you know, it's fucking MADE UP. Are you going to call out scientists or as "pseudo intellectuals" if they strongly believe that