
Or even for free. My company gives away its old laptops to employees. We are supposed to sell them, but when they are only worth a few hundred dollars, we end up forgiving the cost when an employee asks for one. I have a small stack at home that were turned in by employees over the years when they left, and we never

My guess is storage. He gets old laptops cheap, brings them into the facility because they have high-speed Internet access and he doesn’t think they are monitoring it, and he downloads as much as he can onto the laptops while working his shift.

If they can get it in, they can get it out. And even if it doesn’t work, the kid inside will have oxygen and isn’t going to die. They just have to pull him back. This really doesn’t seem all that risky. This can be plan A. Plan B is have the kid dive, which they were going to do anyway.

Since my family switched from lotion to spray, we’ve stopped getting burned. Yes, it really is easier to get an even coating and to reapply. The “there haven’t been enough studies about the safety of breathing these chemicals” is the same common BS fear-mongering that many anti-science groups use. Even if harmful,

I hear this argument constantly, and I can’t believe it would be coming from any parent or anyone familiar with YouTube. Do some irresponsible parents park their kids in front of devices to “babysit” them? Sure. Just as parents parked their kids in front of the television back in the day. But those are exceptions. My

Absolutely. I’m not a telecom engineer, but I was aware of much of what you said. It is frustrating to me that Gizmodo, a tech blog, doesn’t have writers who understand the technology they are discussing. I’m not saying T-Mobile is innocent in this, as the FCC has clearly put rules in place to regulate this that

By your logic, identity theft is not a thing either, because someone using your identity without your permission, no matter how much harm they do to you as a result, hasn’t actually stolen anything because you still have your identity.

You don’t understand digital information and intellectual property. I get it. There

Even if she didn’t attack him, I still wouldn’t feel too much sympathy. I feel sympathy for people who believe they have a great relationship and then are absolutely surprised to learn their partner has betrayed them. I feel sympathy for people who are in abusive relationships where they are afraid and think they have

Exactly. At some point during the attack, she came to the realization that she doesn’t want to be a convicted murderer, and decided to call 911 before he bled out.

Rechargeable batteries - especially Lithium batteries, are one of the things I will never buy as a generic or “off-brand.” Because Amazon sells just about everything, from many different sellers, you can often search for items like this and see two or three different brand names on the exact same product. I tend to

It’s almost like they are trying to say that the MCU is a fantasy universe that is similar to our own, but with some key differences.

“While it didn’t at all seem as if Black Panther was trying to be disrespectful toward Hindus” - that’s really all that needs to be said. Done with respect, paying homage to another culture is a great thing. Done in jest, or to benefit at the expense of the people whose culture is being appropriate, makes it wrong.

To me, a good twist doesn’t mean one that no one figures out. If the hints are there and you are still surprised, that’s lots of fun, but sometimes you figure it out, and that’s okay too. I figured out The Village, and I still thought it was a great twist.

This is purely anecdotal, but I have a child with very severe anxiety and emotional disability. He isn’t mean to dogs, but dogs act very strangely around him, and are often aggressive. I try to keep him away from dogs and dogs away from him, and people usually don’t understand it because they know their dog would

Absolutely. They made it very clear that the effort consumed him. Even Kylo Ren says to Rey, when she starts to force choke him “The effort would kill you.” I mean, we’ve seen Vader do force choke at a distance, and we’ve seen Snoke toss Hux around like a ragdoll from a distance, but those were short bursts - and

This seems like the kind of thing that could easily be performed safely *if* one is thinking about safety when doing it. For many people, the thought probably doesn’t cross their minds, and they just run out in the cold with a boiling pot of water and throw it without thinking.

The Porgs WERE great. Anyone who thinks otherwise has forgotten their childhood. I took my kids to see the movie yesterday and the Porgs were their favorite part. They went nuts. It reminded me of the role that ewoks played in RotJ, but without all of the questions afterward like “how can ewoks knock out a

What I wonder about is the statement that the bullet didn’t go through a previous book, so he thought it would work. Obviously, his testing was flawed, but I assume he was at least smart enough to know to use the same gun, since different guns shoot different bullets with drastically different ballistics. If he did

Yes, this is why every retirement financial advisor consistently says that you select high-return investments early in your career, then shift to a balanced portfolio mid-career, and then shift again to a low-return, stable investment portfolio near retirement. Every 401K package I have ever seen has at least one, if

How do you think pensions are funded? It is money that you pay into and is invested by the pension manager. The primary difference is that the pension is an insurance pool that everyone draws from. People who live longer will take more out than people who don’t live as long. But if too many people live longer than