
It’s like Rian completely forgot that Lando is a general at the end of RotJ. He doesn’t need to be shown as a gambler. Maybe he can play a part in IX, as the guy who pulls together the forces that the resistance needs.

Rian also forgot that the resistance already had the best codebreaker around. It’s name is R2-D2.

Even though I knew Billy Dee Williams was not in the film because he said he wasn’t asked, I *still* kept expecting this to happen for some reason. Absolutely a missed opportunity. I guess Rian Johnson completely forgot that Lando was a general at the end of RotJ.

Science! The first thing I noticed in the video is how young the woman looks. She is 26. That embryo was frozen when she was 2 years old. That means it is scientifically possible for someone to freeze multiple embryos, implant one in a woman who then gives birth to a daughter, then 24 years later, implant a second

I don’t think there needs to be any spin. This is exactly what Pro-lifers want. They see frozen embryos as human beings that deserve life, and they want all of them to be implanted and born. They don’t want any of the embryos destroyed. Personally, I don’t value embryos as anything more than a means to an end, since

It’s amazing what you can do with practice. I can’t do it anymore, but when I was young, a friend and I wanted to master card throwing after we saw someone doing it. We had several stacks of cards and for weeks straight we did nothing but throw the cards over and over again at various things to make them stick. One

What I would make of the recommendation is that they were applying the Precautionary Principle based on the very limited research available at the time. Usually, due to the bureaucratic nature of these boards, it takes many years to get to publishing the recommendations, and newer research is sometimes available right

“By not telling him, Holdo was asserting her leadership.”

No. By not telling him, she was asserting her authority. Good leaders develop trust. People follow good leaders because they trust them. A new leader has to earn that trust. Everyone cooperated with Poe during his mutiny because they trusted him. If Holdo was

The only thing standing between her and a lucrative job in freelance journalism is her terrible camerman who films in portrait mode. I would proudly offer my services to her just to ride along on these adventures.

Exactly! Plus, this would give the MCU a good storyline after Infinity War, as well as breathe life into Agents of SHIELD (not that I have much hope of integrating the television shows into the MCU)

I get that the time travel in Days of Future Past retconned X-Men 3, but the two movies still take place in the same universe, so this is just weird. I agree with most others that X-Men needs a complete reboot into the MCU. I don’t like the idea of a Disney studio behemoth, but Disney buying Fox will give us better

Came here to say the same thing. I guess it’s time for us all to turn our computer monitors and televisions 90 degrees. Movie directors need to just give in as well and turn their video cameras sideways. We’ve lost the war, folks.

I would absolutely blame Jack Daniels if they developed a whiskey delivery service for alcoholics where the alcoholic only has to press a button (like an Amazon dash button - but for alcohol).

The WAY that a company structures its product and markets it can be pretty sleazy. We’ve reached a point in the information age

They are talking about the keyless fobs. My Prius has one. There is no key, just a fob you keep in your pocket. When you are in the car, the car senses the key in your pocket and you just push the “start” button.

A dark-side force user. Nothing more. Jedi and Sith are religions. Its good to belong to the club if you want to learn all of the secrets they have accumulated about using the force over thousands of years. But you don’t have to be. The EU books had a lot of different races and organizations of force users and even

Yeah. that’s how I interpreted it as well. “Always two, there are. A master and an apprentice.” That means since you just saw AN apprentice, his master is somewhere around, so be on the lookout.

Unfortunately, the “rule of two” quickly became canon. There are backstories about why, and it makes no sense.

And the LEDs that municipalities use to put in stop lights, crosswalk signs, etc., are really bright. That’s great during the day as it is easier to see that red light in the sun. But at night, it is so intense that the light burns into the retina and blinds drivers. That is not safe. The worst is the crosswalk “walk”

This is exactly how autonomous cars should be. Turn it on as you enter the freeway or congested city streets, turn it off when you are out of traffic. Best of both worlds. I hope we get there soon. The technology is moving forward, but I think people’s fear will prompt regulatory controls that end up putting the

Or just “epilogues,” because prologues and epilogues are actual things in literature

A dinglehopper

I noticed that, too. I was thinking “wow, it is taking a long time to get to 60. My Prius can do better. Then I realized, as he continued to run through the gears, that the transmission is geared for top speed and that’s the trade off.