
That’s one of the reasons I prefer the origin story in Smallville, where Clark slowly starts to develop his powers as a teenager. He has had time to mature, and even then, they come slowly so he can learn to control them.

At least there are a couple of sexy costumes for men (not that I have the body for one). I was at the local Halloween store last week (we all know the one that rents empty retail spaces for the season) and looked at the adult costume section. All of the ladies costumes were sexy. The men got Homer Simpson and similar

An Adult Swim parody of 80s cartoons, I assume?

I tried to get into the Silverhawks when I was a kid, and gave it many chances, but even at a young age I was able to see the formulaic b.s. Monstar = Mumra, complete with his own repetitive animation sequence whenever he transforms. I loved the Thundercats characters, even the new ones introduced in the later

I can confirm at least one way this happens. If you use the Facebook mobile app on iOS and you send/receive text messages with someone on that phone, Facebook gets access to those phone numbers - even when you do not upload contacts. It will then suggest the person you texted with as a person you may know.

There was one brief section in there that looked like it could have been class 4. I’m not certain, because looking at it from the drone’s view makes the rapids look smaller than they might look from the river. The class of each rapid is not as big of a deal as the overall length of the rapids. Anyone can handle class

Purchasing “gems” that you exchange for power ups, buying extra levels or exclusive skins, and inviting your friends to play via social media.

The one thing I can appreciate about racists, misogynists and terrorists using religion is that they are being true to the written word of their religious text. Reformers have their hearts in the right place, but once you start ignoring / dismissing all of the ugly bits of a religion, you’re one step away from just

I would gladly pay money, if it meant punishing this company out of existence. I understand the value that credit reporting provides and why it is necessary to assess risks in lending, but the credit reporting agencies have, for too long, been operating with shady business practices. And because we are not their

I don’t see how that couldn’t be considered signing a contract under duress. First, the company screws up and allows criminals to access your private information. Those criminals may then use that private information to open credit accounts, which they can only do because Equifax allows them to do so (almost all

The fact that they can make a profit with only a 20% markup when just starting out is very impressive. They must be selling a high volume.

Killing the debate only postpones it. Bringing it to the floor and voting it down kills it. John McCain is an experienced senator who knows what he is doing. I don’t always agree with him (as a matter of fact, I disagree with him most of the time), but in this, he made the right move.

So the solution to that is rationing. For those who can currently afford the best healthcare, they would be losing something. For those who don’t have healthcare today, they would be gaining something. Most people have no problem with letting other people have necessities, but not so much if they feel something is

I’m not saying things like this shouldn’t be studied, but the likelihood of WiFi being a problem is extremely low, since the wavelength of WiFi is below the visible spectrum - meaning it is non-ionizing radiation. The lower the wavelength, the more energy is required for the radiation to damage cells. This is why UV

DC cabs are scary. It’s no secret that the cab companies there lobby (bribe) the corrupt government to limit medallions (licenses). Don’t ever get into an accident with a DC cab. Even when it is obviously their fault, the cab companies will send their legal teams after you big time. It’s how they keep their insurance

After more than a decade of horrible taxi service in just about every major city in the US (I’m a business traveler), I ride exclusively with Uber. Never had a problem, and if I do, I can report it right in the app. I know people who have been robbed at gunpoint by taxi drivers and raped by taxi drivers. My wife was

House Frey and the Twins?

I’m not a cycling fan, but from this article and others I have read about the races, this seems to be a thing. Unlike auto racing, which is about both the car and the driver, cycling seems to be focused on the cyclist. So they treat mechanical issues like Nascar treats crashes, where everyone moves to a pace and holds