
Look at the video in the original article. He doesn’t live in a planned suburban development with an HOA. He lives in a rural area where houses are far apart. He built a pole barn, as people in rural areas do to keep horses, setup up wood/metal shops, or, in this case, an auto garage.

And birds are evolved dinosaurs. Let that sink in for a minute.

As someone who owns both real swords and replica swords, I can assure you the replica swords do not fall apart when you swing them around. If you hit something solid with them, yes, they will break, because the cheap lightweight metal is brittle, and the handles are soldered on, but you can swing them around all day

The could have focused on the editing inside the van, then showed the finished product outside the van. The problem was that they showed the editing on the ad screen, ruining the surprise for the subject. I wouldn’t call it a prank.

They definitely aren’t being heavy-handed about it, because Photoshop becoming a slang verb in everyday language is the best product promotion any brand can hope for. But they have to make it appear like they are pushing back against that in order to maintain the trademark.

I thought the same thing. The article states that it was an “emergency” demolition because of a crack, which suggests that the building was putting the other buildings around it at risk. Given how easily the other building collapsed, it seems that maybe both buildings needed to go and they just didn’t realize how bad

I’m guessing this show is Bill Nye acting like many of the “science communicator” personalities that have popped up on social media to combat the BS promoting personalities (Science Babe, Credible Hulk, Chow Babe, etc.). I used to follow many of these (and still follow a few), but I’ve noticed most of their followers

That’s cool and all, but why does he still have the Manufacturer’s label wrapped around his monitor? I’d call it product placement if it was actually readable. Oh well, I guess the best artists are a little eccentric.

Depending on the context in which they are used, legal disclaimers can often hurt more than they help when it comes to determining fault in a legal matter. A disclaimer demonstrates that you are aware of the law/rule being violated. So when he says “I am not allowed to promote anything I’m involved with,” he has

How would they know?

True, and I think the reason phones don’t automatically correct is because when you are using it for something like Facetime or Snapchat or whatever, and the video is being sent to another phone, which is also vertical, it makes sense to keep the video vertical. In all other cases, however, filming video should be

I have to ask, what would it gain for a government to intentionally bomb a hospital, except to produce more terrorists? Making more Palestinians angry enough at Israel that they are willing to pick-up arms and fight is not a way to keep Israeli citizens safe. Even the most far-right extremists in Israel understand

People were talking a lot about how bad 2016 was. Folks, 2016 was just a warm-up.

This right here. Its not the added air. Its the increased surface area. And to the extent that oxidation does add flavor, increasing the surface area over which that oxidation can occur changes flavor too. Adding texture to food isn’t just about mouth feel. Flavor does change.

In the case of scrambled eggs, I believe

Nothing to worry about here, folks.

You just reminded me it’s time to watch the series again. I didn’t like the Tom Zarek character at first because I thought they were overplaying a limited story arc just because it was Richard Hatch (nostalgia for original Apollo, whom I nevertheless cared much for), but then, wow, he really threw everyone for a loop.

Now playing

I’m probably not the first to respond with this, but it’s so relevant, I want to make sure it’s covered.

I’m so glad I’m not the only one this bothered. I’d always imagined some long range transmission to the Tantive IV from wherever the rebels had stolen the information in battle. The Empire killed the rebels, but the transmission got out. The Empire traces the transmission and to Leia’s ship, then chases it down -

And when the toilets get clogged, what then?

Speaking as someone who has been criticizing presidential power since Bill Clinton, I have to ask, has any president, ever, had their power reduced? It seems that, throughout US history, every president has expanded their power and set precedent for the next to do even more. History will always remember certain