
I never fully understood that law. I am sure people smarter than me have studied it and determined that is the safest course of action, but buses and tractor trailers are long, and when they have a full load, it takes a long time to get moving from a full stop. So stopping before the railroad tracks means that, once

Already happening. If you read the comments on this article posted by Gizmodo on Facebook.

The BBC did a report on this the other day. As others have said, they sell any antibiotic you want over the counter, so people take them for everything. But the confounding issue is the population density. There are 1.1 billion people in India, packed very close to each other, so that germs spread easily. The chance

The problem with VR is that it has been around for a very long time, in various forms, and failed over and over again. I don’t think anyone can seriously believe that it is not in our future. I can’t imagine a world 50 years from now that isn’t immersed in some kind of virtual reality, but the naysayers keep popping

Keep in mind that in the taxi model, the taxi driver has absolutely no information about you. You are literally a random person he picked up off the street. That is not safe for him. In the Uber model, you are an Uber user who has provided personal information, including a credit card number, to Uber. If you do

Uber prohibits “texting, calling, or visiting someone in person after a ride has been completed.”

Okay, I get it. Harassment is real. Some men seem to think that women out in public, just trying to get from Point A to Point B, are really out looking for their next sexual partner and deserve to be hit on. Creeps are

But United created this problem by charging for checked bags to begin with. Back when everyone got to check two bags for free, the overhead bins didn’t fill-up, and could be used by business travelers like myself who packed light for one-day trips and valued getting in and out quickly and not waiting for bags. But for

The humor keeps you entertained in-between the action, and provides contrast to make the more serious elements stand-out. A lot of people think that’s cheesy, but its a good Hollywood formula that’s been lacking for a while, IMO.

It’s not the biologists fault (most of the time), but rather sensationalist reporting and/or confirmation bias by reporters. Biologists looking for harmful effects of anything know that everything is harmful at some dose. What they are looking for is what that harm is and at what dose it is caused. This either

Not just vote purchasing, but intimidation as well. Imagine men in white sheets showing up at your door telling you that if you don’t vote a certain way, they will come back the next day to pay you another visit. If you are not allowed to share a picture of your ballot, then you can simply say “okay, I will vote for

Selfies can be a problem if you are intimidated or bribed into producing one. Whether someone is trying to buy a vote, or intimidate someone into making a particular vote, they need proof to carry out such an act. Forced anonymity solves this problem. It may seem like one of those solutions looking for a problem that

It is taken for granted because it has solved all of the problems it was intended to solve. People don’t experience vote buying/intimidation anymore BECAUSE of laws like this. Some voter intimidation still occurs, but that is more about keeping people from voting at all, rather than making them vote for a particular

Anonymity in voting is critical to discouraging certain kinds of voter intimidation and vote buying. It is the same reason you cannot get a receipt when you cast an electronic ballot, even though many people feel this would help prevent other kinds of fraud.

Back in the Jim Crow days of the south (and still practiced

It’s not republicans as a whole, but the religious conservatives that make-up a good portion of their base. These people never really cared about capitalism vs. communism, or authoritarianism vs freedom, as they claimed. They hated the USSR (and China) and other communist governments because those governments were

This has always made sense for Iron Man because he doesn’t have superpowers. He is a man (or woman) in a powered suit. Anyone can be in the suit, and over the decades there have been others who have worn the suit as Iron Man, and sometimes no one in the suit at all. What makes the character of Tony Stark special is

Could this be the making of a new robot wars?

Not just that, but the legality of using this outside of law enforcement is questionable since you don’t own the airspace above your property, it is legal for someone to fly a drone over it. FAA regulations and property laws will have to be changed (and I have no doubt they will be, given the controversies around

I hope someday we can reach the point where we can all understand intent. Intent matters. Blackface was a problem for two reasons. First, white jazz musicians used it to work in venues where black musicians should have been given work. That’s the worst form of cultural appropriation because they were taking something

And now that I wrote that, I must stand corrected. As someone else pointed out, this is a fixed gear bike, so in that case, yes, this would work as coasting this way can obtain a speed that peddling cannot.

I know it was a rhetorical question, but I feel compelled to answer for the benefit of everyone else who might have read this article and confused it for factual information. It is, indeed, more aerodynamic if you only want to coast. But coasting doesn’t win races. Putting the bike into high-gear and peddling downhill