
Yes, that’s the real fantasy going on at the convention.

Patrick Warburton is the cousin of a co-worker’s wife. My co-worker was telling me this when the Tick was first on television. I didn’t recognize Patrick’s name, so my co-worker was describing all of the different parts he has played on TV. When he got to “Elaine’s boyfriend, Putty, on Seinfeld” I responded “Oh, yeah!

I’m a big fan of the tick (all prior manifestations) and I was skeptical about this one after watching the clip. I think the costume turned me off. But I watched the entire pilot last night and I loved it. I wasn’t sure how I would feel about the tick being imaginary, but I think this version of a “tin-foil-hat”

Because to the anti-gun crowd (which, from my experience, is not a large cross-section of comic/fantasy enthusiasts), “gun safety” is part of “gun culture.” After all, gun safety is only necessary because guns exist, and what they really want is for guns not to exist.

Snow Crash.

You could hatch a lot of Pokemon eggs

I've seen kids cut the roof of their mouths pretty bad from tortilla chips. If these straws are defective in some way, then by all means recall them, but if it's just because they are metal, I fail to see the problem.

It wouldn't be a Harry Potter story if it wasn't, A. Full of plot holes and B. Retconning something from previous stories.

What is fun about this video is that they make absolutely no attempt whatsoever to hide how they are doing it. As a matter of fact, the use of the 2x4s on the garage floor as a frame, and intentionally zooming the camera outside of said frame so you can see the items in the garage (like the broom, for one) sitting

The problem with damming rivers to protect flood plains (not really damming, but shoring up the banks) is that, when there is too much water, that water then just gets pushed downstream, where it causes even more devastation. That water needs to overflow the banks. The Army Core of Engineers has flood control banks

I have a rug like that but its red and brown. My kids like to build their Lego kits on the table over it. Fun times looking for the missing pieces.

“What percentage of the population marries their childhood sweetheart these days?”
What percentage of the population are wizards? These books never reflect real life. They are written for the readers. Marriage and children represent calm and safety and “normal” lives (yes, it IS normal for adults to marry and have

I think you are right, BUT, it doesn’t need to be put in those terms. We don’t need to kill off a bunch of people. We don’t need war, famine or plague (and yes, I have heard people say we shouldn’t feed the world with GMOs because starvation is necessary for the planet). What we need is birth control (including access

I’ve read that as well, but I’m 42 years old now and when I was young, the population was 5.5 billion, so from my perspective, 11 billion is double. But yes, it may not double from today’s number (7 billion), but 11 billion is still a LOT more than 7 billion, especially when we look at just how bad things have gotten

Exactly. We read so much about things that are killing the environment. We drive too much. We burn too much coal. We eat too much meat. We consume too much non-renewable whatever. We grow the wrong kind of crops. But rarely does anyone talk about the biggest problem. There are just simply too many people on the

“Military officials said Juma was hit with four tranquilizer darts, but they didn’t slow her down.” - and this, folks, answers the question everyone keeps asking about the gorilla at the zoo.

Obviously, in this case, since the jaguar didn’t have a child in its arms, killing it seems uncalled for.

“This was a long time without the obvious payoff.” - so just like the books. It seems this is all GoT ever is.

So what do any of these have to do with whether or not the zoo should have shot the gorilla?

I agree with you that just because two guys are close friends and love each other doesn’t mean they have to be gay and in-love. But I think the point that most people are making is that if the writers did decide to have Steve and Bucky kiss, it would have been believable and meaningful whereas Steve and Sharon’s kiss

Now playing

If you get liquid nitrogen splashed on you, you want it to hit your bare skin and not get trapped behind something like gloves or goggles. If you watch other videos of his, he does wear protective clothing and take safety measures when warranted. In this case, it wasn’t warranted for the liquid nitrogen (though he