
Disney. Teaching all future battered women that if they just stick it out with their abuser, he can change.

Even as a child I found this movie creepy.

This all started when Winter Soldier destroyed shield, setting up the show to be a stand-alone entity. I think Marvel thought this would work in the grand-scheme of things, but then that left the show to fend for itself working up plots dealing with Hydra. When the show first started, it was in a universe in which a

Riiigghtt. . . “we need it to build a Cylon Detector” . . . or “check materials for impurities”. . . whatever

THIS. Its also the reason overhead bins are full and plane loading is slowed down. I thought that every minute the plane spends at the gate is money lost, so I really don’t understand this. It might not be $25 per person lost, and free checked bags isn’t going to make everyone check their bags, but raising ticket

Keep your boarding pass in your hand, don’t keep it in your hand, no wait, back to keeping them in your hand, now, no, don’t have anything in your hands.

The rules evolve over time. For infrequent flyers, its no big deal. For really frequent flyers (fly every week or multiple times per week), its no big deal. But for

So I did some more digging and found out that this is a historical re-enactment event, like SCA, but open to the public, like a renassaince fair, so sort of a hybrid. As such, people on phones, carrying cameras, flying drones, etc. ruin the immersion experience for the participants, so I understand the frustration,

Editing is important, but editors can only work with the footage they have. In the example given comparing Ant Man to The Empire Strikes Back, the director shot plenty of footage and was able to work with the editor to make the footage convey what needed to be conveyed. There is a reason The Empire Strikes Back is

Exactly. This was a renaissance festival, not an SCA or other closed event. At renaissance festivals, participants dress up and act out personas while visitors come in cars, wear plain clothes and take pictures. Unless he plans to spear all of the cameras and camera phones that the (paying) visitors are using, this is

It occurred to me that Jon Snow is now released of his oath to the Night’s Watch and could take back Winterfell if he wanted, but that would be a big let-down given that Jon has seen the white walker army and is a man of character and conviction. Assuming the show, unlike GRRM, wants to give the viewers something

That corporate income tax. The city collects property taxes, which Apple can’t avoid paying. They also collect sales taxes from all of the extra people coming into to the area spending money, utility fees and regulatory fees related to construction and operation of the facility, transit fees from the employees who use

I’ve never understood why public transportation is so problematic in US cities. Trains, buses, etc. charge per-person. The per-person cost should be enough to pay for the service. As the number of riders increase, the revenue increases, allowing the service to expand to meet the needs of more riders. If a city feels

It’s for the best. Gawker media’s future after he Hulk Hogan lawsuit is questionable at best. The smart writers are going to get out while they can. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out that everyone there is currently shopping their resumes.

As someone with the exact same issues, I replaced my laptop with a SurfacePro and I’m never going back. I can quickly put Windows 10 in “tablet mode” for convenience when reading, watching video or taking notes, or put it in “computer mode” and drop it on the keyboard for a fully functioning laptop with all of the

I agree. I know the show is based on comics, but comics and television are different. Comics can stop publication and start again later. They can go on forever with new writers, new story arcs, etc. If they lose too many readers, they can reboot or start a fresh new story and pick up new readers. Televisions shows,

I’ve done this as well, for someone less fortunate who does not have a credit card. Since Uber doesn’t accept cash, its either that or a gift card. In cases where I have done this for someone, they didn’t have an Uber account due to not having a credit/debit card, and so this solution of having someone with an

Now playing

Good for him, but its not always a good thing.

I wouldn’t say there are twin words (they are called synonyms, btw) that mean the same thing. I would say English has many words that mean mostly the same thing, with subtle differences that allow them to be used in different contexts. This is really important when writing anything from a fantasy fiction novel to a

It makes it seem so much sillier when science fiction movies that depict aliens coming toward earth show those aliens passing by other planets, because almost every trajectory toward earth that they could be coming on would completely bypass the other planets.

It could, and often does, get contaminated before it ever reaches the purchaser, is the point.

THIS is why it is illegal in most places to sell raw milk. I’ve got no problem with people on a farm who want to drink milk from their own cow. But when you sell the milk to the public, there are safety regulations that dictate how it needs to be stored and transported, to protect people from potential harm. The odds