
DC bus drivers. They straddle lanes, cut people off, turn left in front of approaching traffic (that has to slam on their brakes to avoid hitting them), and sideswipe cars all the time. I am hoping its just DC bus drivers, but I imagine its the same in other cities as well. I was told by those who defend the DC bus


Exactly. As any driver would. There is some amount of chance in all driving. When you drive through a green light, you are taking a chance that the decelerating cars approaching the red light will stop. If a car approach the red light is accelerating, any alert driver would see that an not enter the intersection, even

The law (which is written to deal with human beings each claiming they were operating correctly when one was not) states that when a car is merging, the vehicle that already occupies the lane has the right of way and the car merging must yield. Sometimes drivers are assholes and close the gap to avoid letting a car

Nah, I thought it was funny even without the music. When they were chasing Jesus back and forth it was clearly a classic comedy routine, which reached its climax when Darryl knocked the truck out of gear and it rolled into the pond.

Yep. Those straight white guys should just stick to being racist misogynists.

Or as Johnny Storm. In that case, it was reimagining the origin of a fictional character, which isn't even a big deal, but people lost their minds.

I agree with everything you said, but I think part of my reaction is due to the fact that Gizmodo likes to report on things that aren’t technology, by tying the news in some way to technology. This guy happened to be an Uber driver, so Gizmodo figures that’s enough to qualify them to report on it. I appreciate that

I think his occupation as a driver is very relevant to the story, but I was pointing out that the use of Uber in the headline was playing off of a larger debate about the safety of Uber in order to generate more interest in the article. Other articles I have read about this story (for example, NPR) mention he was an

I don’t object to the inclusion of Uber in the story. It was the use of Uber in the headline that I was pointing out. It is playing into a larger debate going on about the safety of Uber. I read this same story on three different reputable mainstream news sites and none of them said anything about Uber in the

I’ve been riding in taxis for almost 20 years now, all over the country. I travel for business so I’ve probably spent more time in cabs than most people. I can tell you that most cab rides feel unsafe to me. The taxis tend to drive excessively fast and erratic, constantly weaving around other cars and being very

An excellent score. Conan the Barbarian is another that’s up there. But while these are examples of great musical composition, the point the video makes about the leitmotifs is what makes the LotR score, within the context of the film itself, such a masterpiece. I can listen to The Wrath of Kahn, Conan the Barbarian

I’m so glad your friend runs a good taxi company and pays attention to these things. Not all do. I’d still prefer to take my chances with Uber, where the company has information on both the driver AND the passenger, as well as real-time GPS location data of where the driver AND the passenger are at all times.

A lot of

Would this story be different if it said something like “Pizza delivery driver shoots 8 people and delivered pizzas in-between shootings” or maybe “Plumber shoots 8 people, unclogs a few toilets in-between shootings?” The fact that this guy is an Uber driver is irrelevant, unless someone is suggesting that Uber

I thought it was well known that Wade Wilson is a parody of Slade Wilson.

What’s the source of this information? This is not how Apple described the TouchID when it came out. They stated that the fingerprint data was stored in the firmware of the sensor, so it couldn’t be hacked anywhere in the OS or other software app. This means the phone must trust the sensor when it confirms your

Good point.

As well it should.

Looks like the Avengers have been through there.

This is the second one of these videos they have blogged about here. All of the comments the first time around said the same thing. Its FORESHADOWING! We all learned about this in middle-school literature class. I think the video pointing these things out is pretty cool, but its so hard to watch it when they call it