
“Nicole Holder not going through with prosecuting this piece of bleep.” Really? Blame the victim? I am sure she knew that he would never be prosecuted and that attempting to do so puts her in more danger, considering he has the resources to put together a phenomenal legal team. I mean, how many current or former NFL

I made some similar comments about the Ashley Madison leak and the vitriol spewed back at me saying that my name must have been found in the list or that I shouldn’t be defending cheaters was incredible. Outing people like this is always wrong, regardless of what we think of what they did, because in the court of

His name is Benjamin Golden and he is a Brand Manager for Taco Bell (corporate marketing position). This is his LinkedIn profile, which he seems to have turned off public access to (I wonder why?) https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjamingol…

A similar theory was once presented about North Korea. They pushed forward and developed weapons anyway.

But that's really my point. Sure, everyone now, even the craziest posturing dictators, won't use them, but look forward 50, 100 or more years. Do you think that in all that time there would never be any chance at all that a crazy religious zealot or other unstable leader wouldn't use one? Sure, the consequences would

Think about all of these close calls. Then consider that Pakistan, India and North Korea are all nuclear armed now and, depending on who you believe, Iran may be close to having them. It's hard to imagine how the human race is going to survive.

I predict a lot of people will pay $10 for this, just to see how far they can get. Especially people who think they are really good at FPS games, which can be highly competitive. I also predict that, once they die, they would be willing to plunk down another $10 if it would buy them another life, and when there are

Its less than the cost of a movie, so if you play it and last at least two hours, and have fun during those two hours, you could say it is a better deal than a movie. Heck, I’ve paid $50 for games I ended up throwing away after less than an hour because they were terrible. I won’t do it because I’m not that great at

Its all of the new fuel efficiency standards that were put in place by the Empire.

The problem is that, in many (or maybe most) states, bicycles are considered both cars and pedestrians, so they switch between at will in order to avoid stopping. The excuse I hear is that their feet are locked on to the pedals, so they can’t stop without falling over or disconnecting (which then takes time to

I did have a tripod, and remote shutter setup. The solid cloud cover, however, couldn't be dealt with. I feel your pain and am also happy for all of the other photos.

That was some serious velocity. Maybe he should try out for Major League Baseball.

Schrödinger’s cat is also an observer. I know that adds little to this article, but I feel it’s always worth saying when the topic comes up.

The only time I have ever had valuables stolen from a suitcase, it was by TSA inspectors. So the locks are pointless since the ones you want to keep out are the TSA themselves.

And whether or not you are late is irrelevant. Waiting in line sucks and is an inconvenience. For those of us on business travel, it is also unproductive time while “on the clock.” I might be at the airport 3 hours before my flight, but I’m still pissed off at waiting in a slow line because people aren’t paying

Exactly! It’s this idiot trying to test the rules with technicalities of legal or scientific definitions of things that gives the TSA the authority to interpret those rules as needed. The “no liquids” rule is about trying to prevent peroxide and similar explosive that are otherwise difficult to detect. Can you imagine

This is in the U.S.

Almost like they are trying to catch up with Microsoft and the SurfacePro (which seems to be gaining popularity), but still running iOS, so not quite a laptop replacement. I don't really know what this is.

Specifically pottery. I’ll try to give an example, but I am not the expert so I may get the details wrong. This is my mother-in-law, who has worked in the academic research fields (many different fields) for about 40 years or so. She is retired now, but has a passion for archaeology and so she goes on digs to help

I meant to say NOT subtle disagreements. They can vary widely.