
And having family members who work on archaeological digs, I can tell you that these specialists almost never agree with each other. While the kinds of disagreements they have are the kind that only scientists and researchers can have with each other, they are subtle disagreements. Generally the head archaeologist for

I’ve said this before, all of the “sex oriented” dating sites (AdultFriendFinder, HookUp, BootyCall, etc.) are mostly fake profiles luring men into paying to participate in communicating with them. Whether it is software algorithms or outsourced to people in Asia (the same who write fake reviews or level-up WoW

This reminds me of that time someone told me I have to check out these funny profiles on a site called Ashley Madison, for a good laugh. So I created an account to log-in and it was hilarious laughing at all of those guys chasing after obviously fake women. It was good entertainment until my name ended up on a list

Not that your article indicated anything different, but since people commenting are talking a lot about pirated movies and television shows, it is worth mentioning that this ToS agreement covers pirated games and software, not media. I don’t see any way in which Microsoft can differentiate pirated media from

It’s a shame that Microsoft’s own SurfacePro isn't on the list. I was looking forward to a more convenient way to use it in tablet mode. Is fine as a laptop, but when I try to use t as a tablet, logging in is difficult.

A wealthy dentist who can afford $50K per hunt, and who has a track record of illegal hunting and being fined for it. We can't say for sure what he knew or didn't know on this specific hunt, but of course he is going to say he didn't know, and given his track record, I'd say his word doesn't mean shit.

I thought that “amirite” was universally understood to mean a joke, but some people don’t understand humor.

I know this is little consolation, but congratulations on being a writer with a reputation that makes someone else want to steal your identity. It should be flattering. But yeah, it definitely sucks, and I hope that bringing this issue to light will help improve how sites vet their authors.

This right here is exactly why I am a libertarian. Not because I have some serious ideological belief in anarchy and free-markets, but because I see a world in which government officials and overzealous prosecutors will use any law available to them to oppress things they do not like, even if it was not the original

Why are all of the stinky plants/fungus penis shaped?

Now playing

I think it is an exception, rather than the rule, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. There is no shortage of video footage on YouTube and other places showing this happening. I’m not sure why they do it, except that maybe the types of sharks they are finning don’t have good meat and the fishermen don’t want the

Good point. The jockeys know that they don’t have to get the horses to beat records, they just have to win the race. In the Olympics, athletes may try to do both, but in horse racing, with large purses on the line, you do whatever you have to do to win the race. If American Pharaoh were in a hypothetical race against

I saw that Brietbart article, too. Here is the original video link. The thing is, it seems that it was the white mother beating up on the black teenage girl, and her friends were trying to get her away. Regardless of what was said or not said by either side, or how these kids were acting or whether they were invited

And the Brookstone kiosk at the airport will charge $60.

The way these laws typically come into being is when an object is used in crimes, despite its other legitimate uses, it gets banned so politicians can say they have “done something.” Of course, this doesn't actually get to the root cause of the crime, and so criminals just find another object and carry on what they

Exactly what I was thinking. If there is not a super hero origin story here, I will be sadly disappointed.

My understanding is that there are two different, but often confused things going on. There is Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), which is a sudden abandonment of the hive by older bees, leaving only the queen and larva behind. This was determined to be caused by varoa mites, with some other complicating factors. This is

I’m imagining a Ferris Bueller moment here. . .

I like the swooshy arrow better. It is softer, so you don’t feel like you are being beat over the head with it. The blockiness of the current arrow just doesn’t have that progressive feel, and isn’t very “hip,” - but then, I’m a middle-aged guy and not a Hillary Clinton supporter. The curve to the arrow suggests not