
The best thing for HBO to do is get the content to as many customers as possible who are willing to pay. This means getting HBO Now on all platforms. I hope they don’t view this incident as evidence of HBO Now’s failure, but rather that the 90 exclusive deal they gave to Apple isn’t reaching enough people. I’m one of

Having used computers since the original IBM PC, I thought I already knew the answer. Because DOS (which stands for Disk Operating System) used drive letters to identify drives, and A and B were already used for floppy discs. It doesn’t matter if you are using MS-DOS, PC-DOS, DR-DOS or other variation, that’s just the

The reddish ripples in Joffrey’s sword were because the blacksmith who made it normally infuses color into the molten steel (how he does this isn’t really explained), but the Valerian wouldn’t take the coloring uniformly like regular steel, and so the color ended up rippled. The blacksmith apologized for it, claiming

I take issue with the term "Islamophobia," which people use to mean those who hate Muslims and, therefore, is akin to racism. I believe the correct term for that should be "Muslimophobia." Criticism of an idea (religion) is not the same as hatred of everyone who practices it. Some people may do both things, but they

He's right about all of that. And when I was a child and saw the movies in the theater, I thought the exact same thing! But it was so awesome, I just suspended disbelief and enjoyed it.

Not the same picture. Notice the "Ellen" logo in the back of the live shot that is missing in the printed picture.

still seemed too fast for that. Magicians use plants in the audience, so I'm going to say he took that picture before-hand with those people who were part of his crew. Otherwise, he would have taken the selfie with Ellen.

I always thought Tony Stark banged half the Marvel universe, but he's tame compared to Logan (Wolverine).

Never. Its an exponential scale and true of just about everything. Nothing can be perfection, but as you get closer and closer to perfection, each step of improvement is exponentially more difficult and, therefore, more expensive. I'm a bit of any audiophile myself, and have built my own home theater, but I'm not uber

I am disappointed in the loss of stores like Tweeter, and, my personal favorite where I bought all of my high-end home theater gear, Ultimate Electronics, Radio Shack is a different beast. Specialized audio-video stores serve a particular market for audio/videophiles like myself, where we can carefully examine

Having failed many times with glass cutting, I know exactly what you mean. I've scored glass and thought I didn't do it enough, so gone back over it a second time to be sure. Then, glass everywhere. I eventually decided that, unless it is something I need to do often, I'm better off leaving it to someone else with

I wonder how much money Edward Snowden has donated to him so far.

EXACTLY. And there are always cranks who resist those changes until their last, dying breath. I have a few grammatical pet peeves, myself. I hope I can get over them and not turn into this guy in another decade.

When the record is based on a man whose back was broken during the feat, what makes someone else say "I've got to do that!"?

An important perspective. Yes, I'm sure this piece of plastic is less than a drop in the bucket for them in that case.

You should look into the cost of designing and manufacturing a small plastic shape sometime. I've looked into it, and certainly the price per item can be pennies when you are ordering hundreds of thousands, but the total cost is a lot of money, especially for a small business. I'm sure they have done the math and

Generating electrical current requires doing exactly the opposite of what these motors are doing. It requires running the motor against resisting magnetic force. Ever tried a hand crank generator? It is hard to turn. That resistance is magnetic force.