
The style of this isn't all that different from the Star Wars VII trailer. The "no strings on me" music and dialogue that forms the core of the Avenger's trailer definitely does a great job of invoking suspense and excitement, which is exactly what a trailer should be doing, so I think it may be the best example of

So intelligent that it only took hundreds of millions of years. :-)

I think they meant "indie" as a style, like "Indie Rock" rather than to mean an independent label. The term is so overused now, I'm not sure it is meaningful.

I was thinking the same thing. I had a friend who played online poker with a training program running in a window that would tell him when to bet, raise or fold. He did okay, but I assumed at least half of all of the humans in the other seats were doing something similar, or the program wasn't that good, because he

I predict this game will become very popular and much loved by adults everywhere. Eventually a child will figure out how to remove and swallow two of the magnets, and die. As unlikely as that is, when enough are sold, it becomes a statistical probability. The consumer product safety commission will then step in and

Mythbusters showed it was plausible. What made no sense was ewoks knocking storm troopers unconscious with thrown rocks. I mean, what is the point of the helmets? The fact that storm troopers drop when they get hit anywhere on their armor with a blaster rifle (while Leia only gets a scratch while wearing no armor) was

What is it about mirrors? That first one is just a whole new level of creep I hadn't considered before. Mirrors don't bother me as an adult, but as a child, I always found reflections creepy. I even wrote a short story about a young man whose reflection would come to life and murder people. I don't think that's an

This was definitely me at about 6 to 7 years of age. It didn't bother me if there were things in my room - I felt safe on my bed. I just never wanted to see them.

Its definitely time for Gawker media to spin-off a burger blog. I'll subscribe to it.

The difference between a simple confiscation and a felony. I would never risk it.

Exactly. Gitmo has always been a symbol and shutting down doesn't change anything with respect to treatment of prisoners. If anything, it just makes the problem worse. When Obama said he was going to shut it down, he was appealing to those who wanted to end indefinite detention and labeling anyone as "enemy

When I read reviews, I look for what appear to be regular people, like myself, who like the product so much that they felt compelled to write a review. People who take the time to provide both pros and cons are the best. I tend to ignore people who write lots of reviews, people with an apparent axe to grind, and the

Does Alex Jones talk about? It's a BS conspiracy theory.

That's exactly right. As individuals, we can have emotional responses and say things like "don't let the terrorists win," etc. I know I have never wanted to see a Seth Rogan film before this happened, and now I want nothing more than to watch this film in order to prove a point. But corporations aren't generally

Wow, and I read that several times and looked right over it. This is why my wife won't have me look for things when they go missing.

Their disclaimer page says plenty about holding them harmless for the information they produce, but the word "satire" or "fake" aren't in it. "Information contained in this World News Daily Report website is for information and entertainment purposes only." - See more at: http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/disclaimer/#st…

Yep. Lots of fail-safes, but the most important one is to allow only licensed crane operators to operate them. Assuming that is what happened, this is entirely the crane operator's fault.

I like it. I've been in a long-term relationship with my partner for almost 10 year, and we are raising three children together as a happy, stable family. We are now at a point where the benefits and risk-reduction of being legally married outweigh the additional costs in taxes, so we are ready to sign the papers. Not

A bit over the top, maybe, but "stupid" is highly subjective. This guy hired a crane operator to do a job and that crane operator failed. I really don't see why this guy is being blamed.