
Exactly. This is entirely the crane operators fault, and I hope the crane operator has insurance to cover the damage (and should probably lose his license). Probably not how it works, though.

I don't know how they sound, but those just looks awesome.

A minor point, but those look like empty cartridges, not bullets. If there was a bullet on the end of it, I would not be drilling.

Is the manufacturer of a safe required to give law enforcement a master combination? Is the manufacturer of a lock required to provide law enforcement with a master key? My understanding of a search warrant is that it gives police the authority to use any reasonable means available to them to conduct a search of

Now playing

Okay, I'm surprised this hasn't been posted in the comments yet.

I think it's obvious to anyone who has ever boarded a plane that there are much more efficient methods than what the airlines do. And when you know that planes lose money while parked, there must be a compelling reason why they do what they do. I believe airlines like to make the process difficult so that they can

That Pollock plate looks far too organized.

Here it is almost 2015 and we are still trying to invent better tires for ground-based vehicles. Screw the tires. My 8-year old self was promised a flying car. Give me my flying car already.

It looks like he didn't see the guy standing there and freaked out for a second when he suddenly saw him. Sure, he wouldn't have hit him if he had kept going, but I understand the reaction if he didn't see him and then suddenly saw him there.

I'm so tired of reading about this. The only reason there is even a "fight" to be had is because Taylor Swift has made public statements suggesting Spotify is ripping off poor artists by not compensating them fairly for their hard work. Taylor is a big girl who has made lots of money in a free market economy that she

True. An asteroid heading to earth might be better. It could be something like an asteroid that passes by earth and scientists are able to calculate its orbit and predict it will collide with earth in so many years and it is too big to do anything about. They would have to explain why it is in orbit to hit earth now

You asked if they were making a distinction and yes, yes they are. In the video, they use the term "rocket bicycle." It does have peddles and a chain and can be powered by peddling or by rocket, so it is two things in one. Hence the name rocket-bicycle. The video says the record was broken for the fastest speed of a

It has peddles, so it CAN be peddled. The vehicle is called a rocket bicycle because it can be powered by peddling or by rocket. Why they bother with the peddles, I don't know. Maybe so he can peddle to the starting line?

The end of the video clearly says "rocket bicycle speed record." The key point is that this is a "rocket bicycle" which is a special kind of thing, and this is the fastest rocket bicycle so far. The point is that some people enjoy building crazy things, some people enjoy racing them and other people enjoy watching. As

Not if the light from the strobe is bright enough.

I get those a lot. I think they are pretty cool and, since I enjoy macro photography, they are great subjects of art. The owners of the those webs are pretty large and, while I am not generally afraid of spiders, I don't like them on me and I have walked into one of these inadvertently and gotten the spider in my

I want to know what species of spiders these are that live in a community building these webs. I knew a guy who lived in a dirty, unfinished basement of his parents house (yes, the stereotype you can imagine is very accurate). Some friends and I once went to visit him and while we were sitting at a table playing card

Probably mosquitos, flies and similar insects that thrive in places with standing water or sewage. I am sure the pre-processed water from the plant is an ideal breeding ground for lots of small flying things. Which makes me wonder what the place would be like if they manage to eradicate the spiders.

I think we are in agreement, but I originally used the term "sexualized" incorrectly. I tried to clarify that in another follow-up post. My point is that I believe that the level of sexual attraction that people feel toward women's breasts and men's chests are the same, but for some reason society has decided one must

I'm not sure what your point is. I am pretty sure I am criticizing the existence of the "societal norms." I'm not trying to be an authority on where they come from, just noting that it is a double-standard that we all agree is wrong. I'm also trying to make the point that when these "norms," which are wrong to begin