
That's interesting and all, but I don't get gas (or very much) from beans, but I do from some other foods. What I want to know is why some people get really gassy and some don't. From this video, I am assuming that people with more gas have more healthy gut bacteria and are able to more efficiently process their food.

I don't know how it is everywhere, but my experience in DC, as a very safe driver of a car, always on the lookout for bicyclists and pedestrians, is that both do everything they can to make my commute as difficult as possible. Bicyclists frequently run red lights, make left turns from the right lane, in front of

If Marvel is going for gender equality with the Spider Woman cover, they have achieved it. The pose is classic Spider-Man, and his costume (like many) always appears painted on. And just like Spider-man's junk never shows, neither does Spider Woman have camel-toe, otherwise, they are exactly drawn with the same

Wow. I'm not trying to be rude, but I hope this article is a joke and I just didn't catch it. "Pumpkin Spice," also called Pumpkin Pie Spice, is an actual thing, and has been around for a long time. You can make your own here: http://southernfood.about.com/cs/pumpkins/ht…

If it only sees the heat signature of the keys you pressed, it seems like having a pin that repeats the same number more than once would be effective. For example 1-1-3-6. The heat signature would show a 1, 3 and 6, but the thief not only doesn't know what order those numbers go in, but doesn't know which number is

Initial launch planned for 2018. New administration in office January, 2017.

Many of these are egregious examples of manufacturer negligence. I mean, if you are going to design a device that is intended to keep a baby afloat, you better make sure it serves its primary function well. And the Cabbage Patch doll that generates enough force to scalp children and doesn't have an off switch or other

What's great about overt sexual themes in movies is that children find it completely uninteresting or, if they are young enough, it goes right over their heads, but it is really entertaining for the adults. Thus movies like Ghostbusters truly are "family movies."

I've never heard that as a general rule, but being a former frequent traveler, I can confidently say that reclining your seat in coach is an asshole move. You can ask the person behind you first, and then if they say no, they are now the asshole, but just deciding that you paid for the seat, therefore you get to

Economy Plus is what used to be normal row width (or close to it), before the airlines crammed a bunch of extra rows on to the planes. United decided they would hold a few rows back at the old levels, charge extra and act like its a treat. I'm not tall to have to worry about my knees, but there are all kinds of

Use a Butter Bell. Perfect solution for those worried about bacteria or strange kitchen odors getting in. A simple cover works too, but a butter bell is a nice extra step to keep it sealed.

At the rate credit card numbers are being stolen at major retail outlets, people are going to have to get new credit cards every week if they follow your advice. My preference is to keep the cards and watch my transaction balances regularly online. If anything shows up that I don't know about, I immediately report it.

Now playing

It reminds me of this. I believe that the painting is performance art for a piece they have previously practiced creating. That is in no way meant to diminish the skill involved.

Thank you. That was one of the things that George Lucas did with the prequels that made them horrible. He kept trying to insert familiar things for fans, including bringing back C-3PO and R2-D2, but Darth Vader's full suit at the end was an over the top appeal to Darth Vader fans, and also unnecessary. I am pretty

True. The last three movies were about politics, and they sucked. Star Wars is about good triumphing over evil. I enjoy intricate plots, complex characters, challenging political issues and moral ambiguity - but not in Star Wars.

The armor had some flaws as well. It apparently couldn't repel thrown rocks, much less blaster fire. If the empire is going to have any second chance at all, it needs to fix the stormtrooper armor so it actually works.

Oh, I believe he genuinely thought he took the picture and just didn't remember it. This was film he developed a year later, and he takes lots of pictures. He is a nice guy and probably would have conceded that I took the picture and given me credit if I demanded it, but he was getting so many compliments and it made

No doubt that his own statements about what happened seem to be what damned his case. I still think if he pushes hard enough, with the right legal team, he could come out ahead, but he definitely made it difficult for himself by describing the situation the way he did. This is why lawyers always tell people to never

Yes, I see your point. If he is claiming that he did nothing to setup the circumstances that led to the shutter being snapped and it was completely an accident, but I think he can try to argue in court that it was his intentional actions that resulted in the Macaque stealing the camera and taking the picture. There

Thanks for that video. We hear so often how Hamas using children as shields, yet this video says it all. And they aren't just using them as shields, but also feeding them propaganda so the ones who survive can become the next generation of terrorists. I feel horrible for the children, but for the rest of the citizens