
Yes, copyright falls to the PERSON who initiated the capture. Someone who sets up a camera in the woods with a motion detector still owns their copyright, even though the shutter was automatic, because they initiated the capture by setting the camera and the motion detector and the circumstances under which the

This happened to me. No, not a meteor, but taking a picture with someone else's camera. A photographer friend and I were out on a hike by a lake and he was snapping a bunch of nature pictures. At the end of the day, I asked him if I can take a few and he let me. I walked down the the pier on the lake and waited as the

If it is one of the new digital Hasselblad's, there is no mistaking it because it has such a unique shape. If it is an older film Hasselblad, then it could be mistaken for another medium or large format camera, but none of them would be inexpensive.

I can think of three reasons, but none of them really valid:

To be (only slightly) fair to Jamie, this is Gizmodo, so not much actual journalism is expected here. Gizmodo is about drawing your attention to interesting stuff on the web. Sometimes the writers summarize the information in a journalistic style, and sometimes they just say "this is interesting." This article falls

And as someone who actually knows about the term Fourier Optics, perhaps you should be reading some scientific journals instead of a video from a guy trying to explain interesting science to the average person. I bet you don't think much of Bill Nye or Neil DeGrasse Tyson, either. Plenty of people here have complained

I believe the point of the balloons is to show that the bullet was actually split by the machete. Just part of the show. Hitting the edge of the machete was the hard part.

That's a good point. I thought calls between heads of state were secure, because that's highly sensitive information that you don't want to have intercepted, but maybe it isn't secure at all. I guess I'll have to research some more because I am really curious.

Sure, but who owns the satellites? My point is that when the president calls another world leader, like Putin, Putin also has a secure phone. If it was a 100% private network, or running on communication satellites, that would require a level of cooperation and trust between countries. As someone else just pointed

Agree with everything you just said. I haven't watched the whole video yet, but if they are focusing on evolutionary, rather than cultural factors, then they are really missing the point. Large penises being a sign of virility and power is embedded into all aspects of our culture (just look at all of the phallic

The difference between when the president wants to call you at home to congratulate you for winning a National Endowment award (unsecured), and when the president wants to call Vladimir Putin to complain about action in the Ukraine (secured).

What I wonder about is how the phone stays secure from the US through to

Its not clear to me if the red car clipped the dashcam car or not, but either way, I don't really blame the driver of the red car, who was clearly trying to get away from the gray van about to ram him.

They have managed to create an image that reminds people of not one, but ALL naughty bits. Penis, testicals, vulva, clitoris, vagina, breasts, butt, all of it, at the same time. That couldn't have been easy to do. I am quite impressed.

And here I wanted to come visit for the beer. You've definitely given me another reason. Good bread like you describe can be found in the US, but it is really hard to come by. The specialty bakeries make all kinds of interesting breads, but they are always too dense. I don't know if they just don't use enough yeast or

I haven't tried to cancel Comcast yet (I seem to be the only happy customer they have in the whole world), but I did try to cancel my SiriusXM subscription. That was a horrible nightmare.

A lot of the countries that we provide substantial financial support to are also countries where we have military bases. While I would like to see the US military presence worldwide shrink, this seems like a good first step, and means when there really is a need, the option is there.

I want to coat the walls of my home theater in this. Everything except the screen itself. I'd have to put runway lights in the floor, though.

I bet magician's are already planning new stage illusions around this stuff.

It seems like zapping them with some UV would be better than washing them. I wonder why that isn't the preferred sanitization method.

Most RO water labeled for drinking has been purified, then had minerals added back in. I'd be more concerned about the home RO/DI systems designed for drinking water. I've seen those units and the manufacturers will sell minerals you can add back in, I just don't know that people do that. If you are concerned about

Also, a bit lazy on the part of the author. I mean, the idea is to re-blog, not just post a link.