
I had a friend torrenting the show and sharing it with me for the first season as I didn't have HBO. In return, I signed up for HBO so I can watch this, and only this show. $18 per month x 12 months (because I didn't cancel after the season ended) is $216 per year. That's a lot more than the cost of the DVDs, just to

I never see anyone who has only ever driven automatic cars use it. Only people who have driven manuals and have the habit of using it. I used to drive a manual, so I use it more often than other people, but only when parking on a hill. I also turn the wheel away from the curb uphill and toward the curb downhill as I

Actually, man-made synthetics have a great track record. The natural food and alternative medicine industries would have you think otherwise, but some critical thinking and skeptical scientific research helps sift fact from fiction. For instance, it is absolutely true that some portion of aspartame turns to

I like the idea of LED bulbs and have bought a few myself, but am reserving judgment because I felt we all got burned by the promises of CFLs. Not only did the lighting from CFLs suck (which was immediately obvious), but they were very expensive and claimed to save money by lasting longer and using less electricity.

Why don't you ask for feedback from some actual Google Glass users, then write an original article about the product that can either confirm or dispel these myths? As a Google Glass user myself , I can tell you there are an abundance of myths surrounding them and none of them are true. On the other hand, there is

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When I think about questions like this, I am often reminded of this

You can't, really. Opinions are like asssholes. . .

You can look up the algorithms online today, but back in the 80s I had a cube and found a magazine article with a solution algorithm. This particular algorithm required that you get the cube into a particular starting state, which was the hard part, after which, it was just a series of moves. Speed cubists can look at

Well said. People say it is "not art" in the way that people say anything is not something when it is a bad representation of that thing. It reminds me of Crocodile Dundee saying "that's not a knife. . . THAT's a knife."

I've done this before. Completely on accident, however. I was at Whistler, BC, at the top of the mountain when clouds rolled in and wiped out all visibility. I decided to ski down the longest, slowest trail, following my map as best I could, but I could barely see my hand in front of my face, much less the signs on

I've been sayin this for a while. There were several breaches and multiple stores and Target, which may have been the largest, announced it and took the PR hit. Neiman Marcus was hit at the same time and covered it up, only admitting it to individual customers who called them.

The problem is that the anti-vaccination community moved far beyond Andrew Wakefield a long time ago. If you go to site like vactruth and many others, they link to tons of other crap studies and pseudoscientific information, and have many other medical experts on their side (even if those experts are in the minority

I suppose you need to define "widely accepted." If extreme body modification was so antithetical to an evolved sense of beauty, then I doubt so many isolated cultures throughout history would have independently developed their own versions of it. Some basic studies in anthropology disprove most of your statements.

A small fragment of spark plug is what was used to break into my car. Back in 1992. I remember when the officer investigating (well, more just writing the report) told me, I was really surprised.

Canon has been dominating the professional zoom lens market for a long time. Watch the sidelines of an NFL game and count the number of white telephoto lenses sometime to see what I mean. As a matter of fact, I think the reason they make them white is so that it is obvious to everyone else what is being used, and

A lot of wedding photographers work that way. Its absurd. You pay a fee for the shoot, then have to buy the specific photos you want (or package of photos). It gets real expensive. But I guess those photographers are so good at what they do that they can make the rules.

Exactly. And I'm not saying it is always a problem. Less so now in the digital world, but used to be common with film. Photographers wouldn't hand over the negatives and would make you pay exorbitant prices for prints - even after you already paid them for the gig. I know many people who got screwed over by wedding

I don't usually have a problem with joint ownership, its when they want to charge you for their time AND then charge ridiculous prices for the results of the work that you just paid for (i.e. won't turn over the digital files).

I never said the photographer shouldn't also have rights to the pictures, and I am certainly happy to pay for additional time and materials for the photographer to touch up photos or make prints. My problem is when photographers charge a lot of money for their time to take the photos, and then won't hand over the

Agreed, and I won't hire a photographer otherwise. That was my point.