
Okay, as long as we are complaining, let me have my share my two cents about the photography business. Many photographers charge a hefty fee, or an hourly price, to take event photos. Fair enough. I also charge by the hour for my own business. But these same photographers then turn around and say "Oh, and you want the

Yeah, I'm going to say things are different in China. First of all, their airlines are probably not allowed to screw over customers with fees the way they do here. I'm not advocating for communism, mind you, but there are some small advantages for consumers when the government regulates the heck out of an industry

Not many airports in the US have first class lounges, but there are a few around. They serve appetizers and limited drinks. Also, a first class full refundable ticket can be changed as many times as you want for free, but you pay a ridiculous premium for that level of ticket. Also, I am sure any US airline would get

I am not taking a position on whether this is a correct or incorrect answer, however, the method of shifting one of the series in order to add them together is mathematically dubious. A better explanation can be found here: http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/roots-of-unity…

In this case, I did read the entire article and watched the whole video. However, I don't think the article was clear about what, exactly, a front flip forward bike flip is, and why that is different than a normal front flip. Sure, it is obvious in the video that this guy is doing something far more than just turning

Okay, okay, okay, I take back my snarky comment. I already said elsewhere how amazing this is. Clearly this is the first front flip / forward bike flip combination. My reply to the original comment here was more of a general statement, that when Sploid posts something about a "first," within just a few seconds, other

Thanks for that. It seems that every time Sploid has a story saying the world's first something or other, the comments fill up immediately with people showing that things being done at least a year before, if not more. At this point, I mostly skim the articles and go straight to the comments. But hey, they got me

We need high-speed, high-resolution footage to properly slow this down and see what he is doing, but from what I can see, this is all about flipping up and over by pushing up off the handlebars. Hitting the front brake hard will flip a bike over if you are going downhill, not uphill and, as someone else pointed out,

I heard on the radio the other day that a study was conducted that showed that men who use emoticons in online dating profiles are 66% less likely to get a date. Apparently women find them creepy. Who knew?

You aren't going to get many supporters, but, as a parent, I support this 1,000X

First, its sad that so many parents don't trust their kids to be smart and have good instincts, but what's worse, is that by constantly reminding them of the danger of sexual predators (which, unless you are talking about priests and

You are correct. I thought the article just had a typo and it was minus 17. That doesn't make for a "flash" freeze, but I still think if the fish got trapped in the shallow water, they could freeze, just like a koi pond

The temperature was MINUS 17 degrees, not 17 degrees. Wind won't make the water colder than the air temperature, but it does increase the rate at which the temperature of the water drops, by removing the heat faster. Thus, if the air temperature is already below freezing, the wind will help the water freeze faster.

I asked a semi-professional pool player that question. It seems to me that if there are people that can do stuff like this, they should win every pool game, but, as you might guess when you think about it a bit, no. Trick shooters practice the same shot over and over and over again, hundreds or even thousands of times

They chose to test some specific mundane elements, and all were deemed plausible, so nothing "tech" about it. This particular episode was mostly entertainment, and they have been building up hype on social media for a while now. The purpose is to try to generate new viewers, or bring back old viewers like myself. And

Timeslots are so much less important for television shows like Mythbusters, which can advertise their upcoming myths on social media (and pay site like Gizmodo to write about it) and then everyone sets their DVRs to record it, like I did. I didn't even pay attention to when it was on, I just noticed that it showed up

Depends on music you are listening to. If the music is very bass-heavy, then headphones/speakers that produce clean, deep bass are going to be better. I wouldn't listen to a philharmonic orchestra on them, however.

I like social media as an outlet for bitching about gifts. Having society shaming you for being a brat is much better than just your immediate family.

Those are great tips, although, many of the point and shoots I've seen have the same aperture priority, shutter priority and full manual settings that DSLRs have. Its just a smaller lens and smaller sensor, so you really don't have the option of letting in a lot of light, not matter what you do.

If you buy the name brand Canon or Nikon speedflashes, the bounce cards are only included on the highest-end models. Of course, that doesn't mean you can't make your own. Its nothing more than a white, reflective piece of plastic.

And religion lessens a bit with each successive generation, so, in a sense, religion has to "die out" before it is a non-factor. You aren't going to suddenly convert many people who have grown up believing in religion for 20+ years into atheists. But then, I imagine those who are truly religious probably don't want to