
That's a horrible video, but more importantly, as others have already pointed out, if you are talking about console game systems, the 90s were 16-bit, the 80s were 8-bit. Playstation and Nintendo 64 came out in the late 90s. If you are talking about PCs, its a little more complicated, but the 90s were (mostly) 32-bit

I meant "single-speed," as in, only one gear, so it is going to be very hard to peddle up to speed. I didn't mean to suggest it wasn't free spinning. Yikes, that would be dangerous.

Not surprising, my representative voted FOR. I have written him numerous times on a variety of issues we disagree on, and have never gotten so much as a response. I think he simply believes I represent the kind of constituent he isn't interested in representing, and he clearly doesn't need my vote. I'd rather put my

Well, it doesn't say he wants to break a record, just reach 100 mph. Perhaps the idea here is that the design of the bicycle will allow a "normal" person to reach 100 mph, whereas, in the other cases of record-breaking speeds, those were professional speed cyclists to begin with.

That was a different brood. If the news stories are to be believed, this one will be worse than the last one. We'll see.

People have been modifying things to get around safety features for years, yet we don't ban the things that people are modifying because of what a few people are doing. Think about all of the safety features in cars, like engine governors and other restrictors or, that people disable or modify to get more horsepower.

The technology of Google Glass has the POTENTIAL to be a HUD, and banning them before they are even released means that potential may not be realized. Safety can be added, like the ability to disable Facebook, etc. while in motion. Banning the classes entirely means that if someone invents applications that can help

Exactly. They are inclined to text while driving. I'd rather not only give them tools to do it safely, but maybe even tools to help them pay MORE attention to the road. Just think of the potential. First of all, the glasses are GPS-aware, so you could build-in safety features that sense when you are in motion and

I agree. I think this is one of those laws that sounds good on paper, but has worse unintended consequences. People are going to text and drive. All the laws in the world aren't going to stop it. Google has invented something that can actually improve safety. Not safer than no texting at all, but that's like saying

A washing machine with no dryer? And what happens when that washing machine hose springs a leak? Also, I love how these spaces are always shown with a designer laying out a minimal set of things for display. I want to see one of these apartments with someone actually living in it. You know, someone who actually has

Its all relative. Most of the time when someone pays $5,000 or more for a personal computer, they have enough disposable income that they probably also drive a nice car that they paid more than $40K for. Exceptions for people who have to own an expensive computer for their business, which doesn't make enough money to

My how things have changed since the TSA made me throw out my nail clippers right after 9/11.

Ignorance is right. Since the TSA's main objective is to prevent the hijacking of a plane, and the cockpit doors are now locked, knives of any size are not going to work to hijack the plane. That means the only purpose of the knife on the plane to someone trying to do harm would be to hurt random people, which is

I remember when this hit the news and I don't recall if the woman sued McDonald's or not, but it was certainly discussed as a possibility. Why McDonald's would owe her anything more than a replacement nugget, I don't know. After all, any "trauma" suffered over this would be purely cultural, as this might be considered

They are pretty good about the consistency, but sometimes the shapes are off by a little bit.

For those who say this didn't do anything, I think you have to be sober for this to actually work.

Digital zoom is just cropping during pre-processing. Important if you want to see what the picture is going to look like (so you know if you really do need to move closer or not). If you have a low-resolution picture and you crop it to "zoom," its still going to be crappy.

Agreed. And you can't pause them. I mean, I would like to pause the chair and take a longer look at it before the guy sits down. I hate animated GIFs, especially with modern HTML that makes embedded video easy.

Worked for me a tiny bit after zoning out, so, yeah, it "works," but I wouldn't call it one of the top 20. It is nothing compared to some of these others.

Its all relative. Dell captured such a high percentage of the PC market that they plateaued when they reached market saturation and couldn't grow anymore (one reason they started branching out into televisions, etc.). Then, as tablets, etc. started reducing demand for PCs, of course Dell's market share decreases. But