
I love the "do not try this at home" after providing some pretty specific instructions on how to build it on your own. At least enough instruction for some amateur engineers to start tinkering.

I don't think they need to get around U.S. copyright law in a country that doesn't recognize U.S. copyright law. Unless they "sort of" recognize it and this is the small technicality that is needed to circumvent what little enforcement there is. Someone else here commented that these are compilation videos, as opposed

It may or may not be the actual movie, in who knows what language, with or without subtitles. Many are a really bad digital rip of a DVD, converted to some even lesser format (like VCD) and some are even just created by someone in the movie theater with a camcorder. . . or so I have heard, I mean, I've never actually

Yes, as a matter of fact, and Taco Bell doesn't have anything in common with mexican street tacos. Because it is street food, you will get a lot of variation, but nothing like Taco Bell. As a matter of fact, just type "mexican street tacos" into Google and look at the images that show up. A lot of what you see here is

Thanks for the clarification. I saw that it was a Verizon case study so assumed they were speaking from personal experience with one of their own employees. I see now that Verizon was just managing the VPN. To me, that just raises more questions about what was really going on, since Verizon was a third-party to all of

I agree with you completely. Genius and risky. The ethical problem is that, for whatever reason (security, maintainability, etc.) Verizon hired an American developer to write this code and believed he was writing the code himself. Had he said "I can outsource this work to China and guarantee the same quality work for

Correction, being able to STOP the train requires training. Clearly driving it easy. Is anyone else as impressed as I am that the house held up? I'd like to hire that builder to construct my next house.

I've already seen threaded discussions on a couple of Facebook posts, so I assume they were beta testing that and it will be released to everyone else soon. Hardly a big announcement. I agree with everyone else that a good search engine would be a welcome feature.

Earth's gravity will alter its orbit slightly each time it passes close, so definitely not a linear progression. This is why NASA JPL has supercomputers, but apparently even they can't predict with accuracy, only provide a range of probabilities.

This is the Netherlands. What military are you talking about?

In known that is a factor with really large projection screens, hence the curve of some of the largest movie theater screens, but that is because it counters the distortion that is created when projecting a beam of light to the far edges of the screen. An OLED TV isn't projecting a beam of light to the far edge of the

I'd just settle for a fridge with an iPad dock/mount myself, but I agree, they really aren't off-base here. The baby monitor has a limited life-cycle so probably won't work out for that reason alone, but not because it isn't useful.

I've walked through many man-traps and a lot of them are the length of a corridor so the back door closes before you reach the front door and you never have to stop moving (except maybe to swipe a badge, since they are used in secure facilities). This looks like it achieves the same thing in a shorter space, so, yes,

I completely agree. This is one of the less desirable side-effects of the information age. Small scale medical studies have always been done first to determine if there is enough of a suggestion of a link to justify formulating and funding a larger study to try and actually prove something useful. But with the

I thought so too, until I read an article recently that explained what went on. It was a temporary disruption in the market. What happened is the military was stockpiling tons of helium and a few years back decided they didn't need it anymore, so started selling it off. That flooded the market with cheap helium to

That's a good point, and works best if just use the terms letter, legal, ledger, C, D, E, etc., but there are so many things that are standardized in whole numbers of units that I am certain would start to change, and that will create the compatibility problems I refer to. European paper sizes ARE different, and are

The negative affects of fructose on the pancreas have been suspected for a long time and shown in all kinds of studies and these same studies are those that HFCS critics use to explain why HFCS is worse for you, nutritionally, than can sugar (sucrose). Here is the problem, the name "High-fructose corn syrup" is

I agree. I think professional equipment in an amateur's hands helps them take better pictures than they would with a cheap point and shoot. Likewise, a professional camera in a professional's hands will help them take better photos than they would with a point and shoot Just look at what David Hobby was trying to do

If you read his blog, he explains all of the difficulties he was having with the camera and its limitations. Since photography is so often about having one chance at capturing the perfect shot, I prefer high-end DSLR equipment that can be configured to do what needs to be done consistently without the need to do