
I agree. Scientific measurements are all metric, so why does it matter what everyone else uses to measure? Its not a matter of "getting used to it." We can all quickly get used to measuring on a different scale. What matters is the cost of conversion in manufacturing. Every hole that is drilled, every bolt that holds

I've taken some great pictures with my 24-105, and it is certainly a very sharp lens that produces great quality images, in the right light. But for me, in hindsight, I would have much rather saved the $800 and put it toward the 24-70 f/2.8. Sure, at $2,300 it costs more than twice as much, but if I've already

I was referring to the 5D bundle when I said "kit." It takes great pictures in daylight, and is "L" glass, but at f/4, it is one of the lowest end L lenses made. Good for the money, but I think a photographer investing in a high-end camera will want a faster lens, and the extra $800 spent on the kit could be put

Exactly. I admit I used some harsh language to describe the lens. It is a good lens, and does well in full daylight, but if you are going to spend money on a high-end camera, why would you settle for an f/4 lens? I bought the kit and then started investing in higher-end lenses and never looked back. I never use the

I agree with everything you just said, however, I did buy the 5D Mk II kit, and made the decision that the $800 extra for the kit was a really good price for what was otherwise listed as a $1,300 lens. However, over the last year, I have invested in other lenses such that I never use the 24-105 anymore at all. I

I was looking for the rest of the article after the pictures in which the question is answered by the writer actually trying it. Come on, Andrew, take one for the team!

Interesting that the second most popular camera, the Canon 5D Mark II, comes with a kit zoom lens, the 24-105mm, which barely made a sliver on the graph. Just goes to show you that the kit lenses are crap and a waste of money.

"Very rare" is an understatement. I understand some of the other parenting fears, like bullying or the kids running out in the street, or goofing off and missing the bus, but seriously, teach your kids and then learn to trust them. I used to catch the bus alone when I was 5, and I am teaching my own 5 year-old the

Depends on which version of the story you read and how you interpret it. They did manage to get one of their hackers released, which is sort of a win, but the cartel also promised to kill 10 people for every name that anonymous was threatening to release. The fact that the cartel was able to discover the identity of

Thank you for being the voice of reason among all of these other people complaining about lazy parenting and kidnapping. Although, this guy is bringing a whole new meaning to the term "helicopter parenting."

And thus the dad learned that, shocker!, the kid is perfectly capable of walking 400 meters to a bus stop by himself. I don't think he needed drone to figure that out, but, hey, we all learn differently.

Totally stealing this, with credit, of course :-)

Haha. I was thinking something very similar. Actually, something that connects from the iPhone to the USB port on a DSLR. It would also require a firmware upgrade for the DSLR, but would allow it then to take pictures, geotag them, and upload them to Facebook. Not a bad a idea, really. . .

Does anyone remember what happened to anonymous after they went after the mexican drug cartels? I hope it isn't that bad, since I don't like to see anyone die, but, yea, seriously, this is big boy stuff going on in the middle east and temporarily taking some minor databases offline is asking for some serious trouble

I think he should have shot it in silent black and white, myself.

Lots of complaints going around. http://www.marionstar.com/article/20121031/NEWS03/310310009/Voting-machine-swaps-Romney-Obama

Exactly. We got Albert Einstein, and many others, after all. Also, military spending does tend to result in technological advances, but you don't have to commit genocide to do it.

Thank you for the complement. I don't think people live in fear, so much as they want to live with a level of unrealistic safety and sanitation such that they don't consider what that requires. We have a judicial system that favors letting guilty people go free over letting innocent people be convicted, and so the

We don't have all of the facts in these cases to make judgements about the severity of these crimes or how guilty / not-guilty these individuals are, but I think the practice of posting these records online, even for convicted felons, effectively amounts to punishment beyond the original sentence. But even worse is

The state can press charges if they believe they have enough evidence without a cooperating witness, but generally, if the victim isn't willing to press charges, no one else is going to because there won't be enough evidence. Keep in mind that this article is presenting the facts based on an interview with Yolina. The