did you catch the parappa the rappa cameo?
did you catch the parappa the rappa cameo?
If you keep your eye on slickdeals.net you can get yourself a ATI Radeon 6850 for about $120. There was a deal a couple weeks ago for the 6850 for $110 with a free copy of Deus Ex included. The 6850 will run just about any current game at max settings and once more taxing games start to come out in a couple years…
I was also surprised at how well Battlefield 3 ran on my 5770. I'm running high settings except for the textures which I have set to Ultra. The runs just fine at 1080p.
Video cards are not as expensive as you might think.
I'm running it just fine with an i7 and an AMD 5770. I am using high settings except for textures which are set at Ultra. (running 1080p)
I played this game until 4am this morning. Some of the servers were really laggy (it was strange because it would be completely smooth for 10 minutes, then for the next 3 it would lag and everyone in the server would start experiencing severe rubberbanding.) But the server issues were only a minor flaw in an…
I can't stand the majority of Japanese comedians. However, Downtown cracks me up every time. I you can find Matsumoto's クラクション rant (I was going to link to the youtube video but it got taken down), give it a watch. Its one of the best pieces of comedy ever written.
Good point. I might not be able to run the game on Ultra settings, but I was still impressed with how the game ran on High.
Beta runs great with a 5770 at 1080p. I was afraid that this game was going to eat my rig alive, but I was happily surprised and won't have to upgrade for another year or so it seems.
That may be your argument, but unfortunately it isn't what you agreed to when you signed your contract with your carrier.
No kidding. I have an uncle that lives in Tremonton and I couldn't believe how freezing it got up there.
I want to play the multiplayer as a Hanar Engineer!
What type of computer are you running? That seems really high! I have a 3.5 year old laptop running XP and it only uses about 5-7% for me.
It was pretty awesome. However, it could have been better if Tim Sweeny were a better public speaker. I love the guy (and the games he has worked on have been some of my favorite: ZZT FTW) but he looked REALLY Awkward on the stage. Oh well, he gets paid to make killer games, not talk to crowds.
I already typed this out in response to another comment, but I'll reply here as well:
I haven't read the suit, so I can't say for sure, but I'm guessing that the suit is claiming damages for using athletes to advertise their product in conjunction with the logo that resembles EA games. Using athletes along with the Energy Armor logo reinforces the idea that the companies are related and this would be…
... and the letters you typed are not similar to the EA logo, which is the trademark that is being argued here, not the letters themselves. Energy Armor will be able to continue to use the EA acronym, just not in a logo that resembles EA games' logo.
Despite what Kotaku is reporting, EA is not demanding that Energy Armor give up all of their profits, only their profits generated by Energy Armor using the infringing logo. I'll give Kotaku the pass here since this is a gaming blog, not a legal blog. However, it would appear that the damages, if awarded, would be…
Actually, Adobe showed Quake running in flash about 3 years ago at a previous MAX conference/
At the keynote, Unreal came right after Angry Birds.