If anyone wants to watch video, the Adobe keynote is streaming on a loop here: [max.adobe.com]
If anyone wants to watch video, the Adobe keynote is streaming on a loop here: [max.adobe.com]
Unreal in Flash and CSS Shaders were the best parts of the Adobe Keynote! That and the crazy projection screens they have set up in the theater. What I wouldn't give to set up a gaming rig and play Metro 2033 on that stage. ;)
You have to admit that the packaging was much better for the special edition than the standard edition though.
As long as it is better than the Metal Gear Solid 4 "art book," that thing was crap.
or M'sE2?
check this little program out: [www.ghacks.net]
This is wonderful. Unfortunately, I don't own an Ipad, but if I did I'd buy one of these in a heatbeat!
You would be just as guilty under the law as someone who didn't own the PC copy. Not saying its right, but that is the way that the law is written in the US right now.
From a legal standpoint, you are stealing.
I Soooooooo want to play MooooM right now! The mirror increased the epicness of the cover 10x
I agree that Goliath is an amazing level, but Deck 16 has been around in every iteration since the original Unreal and has been tweaked and balanced to perfection. I think I've spent more time playing Deck 16 (in its various versions) over the years than any other map.
Another great Unreal level is Morpheus with insta-gib turned on! Total Chaos.
In BC2 there was no regenerating health if you played hardcore mode. Only way to heal was if you have a Medic in your squad helping you out.
I'm disappointed that Deck 16 isn't on the list of best multiplayer maps
I love this game so much. I played it a ton when I was little, but I could never get through the lake flooding section without screwing up.
This is actually one of the best English Haiku I've read. I was a Japanese literature major in undergrad and haiku and have read thousands of Haiku/Haikai. Acurate Haiku poetry not only requires 5-7-5 syllable structure, which is all that most people think of when they write haiku, but also involves a thematic or…
This sentence alone is evidence of the fanboy bias:
Now where is my logo and concept art for Mirror's Edge 2?