
I generally agree with this sentiment. PC gamers, should not expect to get the best version every time when they are explicitly told by the developers that the console version will be the definitive version. When that happens, you either vote with your wallet by not buying it or accepting that you are getting an

I drive through there fairly often, but I’ve never looked at it from above. It actually is pretty cool looking.

I think reckless endangerment would be more appropriate than attempted murder, but I do agree that these are serious actions that deserve serious consequences.

Is there a variant on Deck 16 (the best multiplayer map ever designed) in the new game yet?

Nintendo keeps a larger piece of the pie if you register the videos instead of the channel, so that isn't a good solution either.

Loved this game, one of my favorite 3rd party games on the NES along with Faxanadu.

I spent a lot of time playing Facing Worlds online, but the best map from UT (and probably the best multiplayer FPS map in any game) for me is Deck 16. That map had excellent flow and weapon placement that has only improved with each iteration. I can't wait to try out the newest version when the new Unreal

This isn't true. The protect it or lose it policy generally only applies to trademark and trade secret. This is mostly a copyright issue - the creation of derivative work based on a copyrighted work owned by Konami. Konami wouldn't lose copyright by allowing a fan film to be made and they would only have risk under

I still have my decks of Knightmare Chess and Knightmare Chess II, but I'd love to pick up another deck. Unfortunately, I haven't seen them on sale anywhere for years, despite the fact that SJGames claims that the game is still in production.

I don't know why this card isn't mentioned more often. I use this in conjunction with a Sallie May Credit Card that gives me 5% cash back on gas, groceries, and book stores (Amazon).

I pay almost $2000 a month for my place in the Bay Area (I'm not even in San Francisco), but to buy a home it in the area it would cost me over $1 million, and that's just for a starter home. My friend recently purchased a 3 bedroom house in town that was listed for $1.2 million. Unlike many housing markets where

Palo Alto, CA

Still my favorite.

Now playing

SKYNET, by bethesda (the team that makes the Elder Scrolls games) was actually pretty fun and technically impressive for its time.

I've played a ton of shooters over the years, from Duke Nukem to Battlefield to Painkiller. But Deck 16, in its various iterations, is still my favorite deathmatch map of all time. It was perfectly designed to work with the weapons of the UT games.

How do people mispronounce Yoshi? I never realized this was a problem and I'm trying to imagine how English speakers would mess this one up.

One of the reasons why English Haiku is bad is because the only haiku convention that has carried over into English is the 5-7-5 syllable structure. There is a lot more to Japanese haikai style poetry than the syllable structure. There are, for example, rules on how to break up the the flow of the sentences and

The tradition is sponsored by the city to help drive tourists to the area and support the local economy.

I'm afraid you don't understand the meaning of duress.

I've always felt that the Japanese R sound sounds more similar to the English L than the English R. The japanese "R" sound is much softer than the harsh English R sound. Accurate Japanese pronunciation requires the tongue position to be between the English R and L positions. It is actually closer to the Spanish R