
That's really strange. Why would the English manga translators choose Ruffy over Luffy. By the time that the English manga began translation, the correct spelling had already been clarified by the author. I'm guessing they only based their translation on the first volume of the manga where the romanized spelling

Zoro is actually the correct spelling.

The English R is way too pronounced too. It is cringe inducing to hear some English speakers try to talk in Japanese and use a hard English 'r.' The average English pronunciation of the Japanese R sound is just as bad as the average Japanese pronunciation of the English L sound.

I keep seeing the main character from one piece be referred to as 'Ruffy' on the internet instead of 'Luffy'. Is this how they translated the name for the American release of the manga or TV show or something?

If you don't use your membership for much more than a few OTC medication purchases a year and you have a friend with a costco membership, you can get around the membership requirement by having your friend buy a handful of $10 costco gift cards for you. Everytime you go to the store, you can show the giftcard to get

The quality of much of the food sold at Costco is more comparable to high-end grocery stores like Whole Foods than it is to the food sold at Safeway/Kroger so the comparison is fair in my opinion. I do most of my food shopping at Costco, local produce markets, and Whole Foods. I end up doing a lot of price

Re: Guitar Hero World Tour & Rock Band

I tend to disagree. If I give $20 bucks to a homeless person on the street, that person profits from my generosity. They are now $20 richer. I don't have any sense of entitlement regarding that person. If I give money to a charity, I do so to help the charity, and the people they serve, not to get anything for

Actually it isn't like making an HD version of an older game. That would require the use of the same art assets (or derivative art assets) which are covered by copyright protection.

The difference between going to kickstarter and going to a publisher is that the publisher is making an investment and the kickstarter backer is making a donation. Kickstarter backer that think they are 'investing' in a company or product are misinformed. Crowdfunded investment is currently illegal in the United

But what IP do they own? I've read a bunch of things that say Sony owns IP, but nothing more concrete. If it is the name Amplitude, then there is nothing preventing the from releasing a game with similar gameplay under a different name. There is no IP right that Sony could have that truly prevents Harmonix from

If Sony has any rights to the game, it would likely only be in the name. They could release the game with a different name and make it available on other platforms.

I'd donate if the game were made available for PC in addition to Sony platforms. However, PS3 and Ps4 exclusivity makes it a no go for me.

Andras probably should have mentioned that in the original article since those trees do stick out like a sore thumb in comparison to the detail that has gone into the track itself.

The areas that you pointed out should get a lot better as development on the game continues. The developers have said that the trees for example are 2d placeholders just for now.

The game is still in development. The devs have openly said that the trees and other assets are just placeholders.

Not only that, the Ratchet trailer came out several months before the Sly Cooper trailer if I remember correctly. A quick search here on Kotaku would have turned up a blog post on the trailer. This list was very sloppy in the way it was put together.

Each of the above listed eras had some amazing games, but if you made me choose one, I think I'd go with the Polygon Era as my favorite thanks to Suikoden, Star Ocean 2, and FF9/Tactics.

230 game? I just surpassed 1000 games in my steam account a couple weeks ago.

It is currently illegal in the United States to crowdsource investments through websites like Kickstarter. However, that will be changing in the near future once Title 3 of the JOBS Act gets implemented by the SEC.